Is This Worth The Money??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is This Worth The Money???


Elite Pickler
Elite Explorer
December 18, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 UK XLT, 99 Sport V8,
I'm in desperate need of my own vehicle for winter.... and the thought of spending the snowy months in a miserable 92 Chrysler Dynasty brings shivers and unthinkable fears.....

I'm looking at this....


what do you guys think?? is it worth the money??


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I think it's definitely worth a closer look. Have you seen it in person yet? Could turn out to be a good buy for $400. Beat it for the winter and build it in the spring.

not seen it yet, it's a 5hr drive away from where I am right now, and it would need an out of provence safety inspection if I did get it, that's another $100. Ideally, I'd only want it to have a few things wrong that I could put right...


Could have engine problems if it's been chronically over heating. I would be most worried about the heads being bad.

how would I know if the heads are going/gone? is there some way of testing without ripping it apart?


how do you do a compression test? is it something that goes in place of the spark plug? I was looking for that tool that reacts to the gasses given off by a blown gasket... sniffer?


Compression Guage screws into the spark plug hole and then you spin the engine over and read what the Guage says.

there are some block tester kit out there for checking for a blown head gasket but they are hard to find local auto part stores have to try a specialty place for something like that

cybergasm[07:59am] : So Jon you don;t want a convertable now?
JTSMITH[08:00am] : well, I do
cybergasm[08:00am] : oh
JTSMITH[08:00am] : but I would rather have a true covertible--
JTSMITH[08:00am] : instead of an always open top--lol
cybergasm[08:00am] : oh i see
cybergasm[08:01am] : yeah could get alittle cold in the winter time
JTSMITH[08:01am] : and wet--
cybergasm[08:01am] : lol yea
JTSMITH[08:01am] : I don;t mind snow drifts, but they have no place inside a truck
cybergasm[08:01am] : LMAO
JTSMITH[08:02am] : looks like I could get a different explorer for less than a canvas top
cybergasm[08:02am] : wait Honey we gotta stop and shovel out the truck :06)
blueka[08:02am] : have I missed something?

blueka, are you in Alberta, or saskscratchyourass (Saskatchewan). if you haven't seen this site, sometimes you can find some good stuff for cheap

I'm in Sask.... so it'll need an out of prov safety... but thanks for the link.. I'll check it out!


I've emailed him asking if it's had a compression test, also asked that if it hasn't, would he mind if I did my own compression test on it....

