JASON'S 93 EXPLORER, 5.5 SUPERLIFT,PROCOMP,33's(56K NOWAY) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jason's 93 Explorer,Lifted

Hello my name is jason, and i live in Eugene,oregon, ive met some great friends off this forum in the past 7 months, , But as my daily driver is my 93 Explorer and this is his story:

5.5 superlift
pro comp shocks front and rear
4:10 gears
33x12.50x15 pro comp mudTA
15x8 Gloss black Daytona rims
flowmaster catback
Aem intake
Zex smart kit....50 shot for Hill climbs
no name rear locker
and some crazy window tint....lol

All picture have been taken with in the past 2 days,






me at the coast 1 day ago,







Thanks for looking :thumbsup:

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nice rig man! i wish there was sand around here to wheel in

Nice looking Explorer. One question though...WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ANY PICS OF THE 91?!?! :D Nice job on the 93 though. :thumbsup:

Nice X you got there Jason

Very nice explorer...

Thanks guys,

And once i finish the D60 ill post up some pics


looks cool -- wish we had sand we could drive on here as well.


Nice X :thumbsup:. That is a HUGE antenna on the back of the X!

Nice Explorer! How do you like have the locker in the rear and a DD?

very nice clean X! those wheelin pics look really fun!

AWSOME! Your x is now my X's idol. Please PM me with every Mod you have done to make it look that way........mine will look like that some day!

wow i just noticed you have a ton of rust under ur car, i do too, is there any way to slow the rust down from demolishing my X?

look under any 12 year old truck...there is alot of discoloration. I wouldnt necessarily call it rust. Its mostly surface rust, which isnt much to worry about on the frame, axle, etc. but some of it is just discoloration, mud stains, and road grime. If you really wanna touch it up (i would spend the time and money somewhere where it counts, not really in how the underside looks.) You can sandblast it and paint it/line-x (or one of the 498745 products that are the same) Or you can just hand sand it all, which would take flippin forever, but hey it would be free (minus the tons of sandpaper) and then paint or line-x. Its all a personal preference, but like i said...i would spend the time and money elsewhere. If you plan to wheel it like you say you will have MUCH more to worry about than how clean the underside is...

slravene said:
look under any 12 year old truck...there is alot of discoloration. I wouldnt necessarily call it rust. Its mostly surface rust, which isnt much to worry about on the frame, axle, etc. but some of it is just discoloration, mud stains, and road grime. If you really wanna touch it up (i would spend the time and money somewhere where it counts, not really in how the underside looks.) You can sandblast it and paint it/line-x (or one of the 498745 products that are the same) Or you can just hand sand it all, which would take flippin forever, but hey it would be free (minus the tons of sandpaper) and then paint or line-x. Its all a personal preference, but like i said...i would spend the time and money elsewhere. If you plan to wheel it like you say you will have MUCH more to worry about than how clean the underside is...

Haha thanks man, Yeh its not rust, there's 126k on my truck, and no rust, The discolor is mostly the clay mud, we have on the trails around my house, when i wash my truck i usually dont wash the under side or underneath...Sorry if its too dirty for you :thumbsup:

For Sale.. :thumbsup:

93liftedXLT said:
no name rear locker

You never had a rear locker when I was hanging out with ya :p

TheFox88 said:
Nice X :thumbsup:. That is a HUGE antenna on the back of the X!
isn't that just one of those flags that places make you put on your car when you go there, there are places like that around here so people dont hit you and stuff

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Nice Explorer
