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Jefe's SAS

Everyone else has a SAS thread in here, so I figured that instead of being jealous, I'd just start my own :)

I've been planning this for a few months now, and the parts are now starting to collect.

The plan is to buy a TJ D30 front axle to use for sizing and testing purposes, and replace it with a custom HP D44 with a bunch of goodies as the project nears completion.

I will be using Rubicon Express TJ long arms. These are 36" long, and convert the TJ 4 link to a radius arm design. 36" back from the front axle lands the rear mounts right where the torsion bar currently mounts, and the TJ and Ex frame are the same width at that location, so it should make for a great bracket location.

I plan to run 2" remote res. coilovers. I won't decide how much travel they need until I've got the axle temp'd under and see amount of flex, ride height, etc. No point in shoving a 14" travel C/O WAY up into the engine bay if its not going to do me any more good than a 10" or a 12".

I will convert the steering pump and gearbox over to a 1st gen explorer setup. I am hoping that the TJ track bar and steering will work, but will have that custom made if it doesn't.

I'm hoping for about 6" of lift, but may have to settle for more depending on a few things. I'll do a SOA conversion in the rear, along with custom leaves to match front ride height. I will be taking out the 3" BL as one of the first steps.

I plan to start actual work on the project about halfway into April.

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It Drives!

Drove it around a few times tonight.
Hit 35 mph for the first time and it went crazy on me. Started to think about what could be wrong, got back and finally realized that I hadn't aligned it yet. The caster was only 10* off. :rolleyes:
Now it drives alright, although it could really use a sway bar :eek: Can't wait to get it off-road :bounce: :bounce:

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Congrats on the maiden voyage!!

Congragulations! Looks pretty sweet, I actually showed pics of it to my buddies. Job well done! Can't wait to see off-road pics! :bounce:

Here's what you all have been waiting for:

Here's a "before" shot for reference (35's, BL, SUA, front sway bar connected)

Ran out of ramp :D



Good shot of my track bar bracket

Control arm mounts (I've figured out how to redo them and get 3-4" more clearance. just have to be brave enough to cut out the stock tranny crossmember. maybe in another few months)

Going up backwards I stuffed the front tire too much so I couldn't continue without tearing up my fender well. Need to put in some bumpstops.

Thats pretty close to full droop


The rear flexed pretty well going forwards, but isn't doing a thing going backwards :rolleyes:

Full stuff:

Congratulations Jefe, you did a fine job :thumbsup:

Did it pop and crack and make noises while you were going up the ramp??

How did it ride on the way to the ramp?

good job!

on your track bar mount on the frame - in relationship to the pitman arm how close is it? it looks like you can clear the pumpkin and the pitman arm with your bracket ... ive had a time lining that up.

beautiful job. i am very impressed.
you staying with 35s or going up eventually?

That is awsome!! Is your tire rubbing on the shock on that full stuff pic?? That is very cool, you did a great job.

You going to Los Coyotes this month?

That looks really nice! I bet the back will move once you put some bumpstops up front. It looks like the front is softer so it just uses up its travel first when you don't have a bunch of weight on the back. Great Job!

Mine does the same in the rear when you go up it backwards.


Fricken sweet!!!!!!!!!!! Looks great!!!!!!!!!!!

mine too... if there is something in counter front that it is also going up then the rear flexes something fearce. as in right front compressed right rear compressed...

isnt it cool having a front end that can flex as much or more than the rear? explorers flex more than most in the rear stock too.

Jefe that looks awesome. Great fab work.

Nice work. Have you gotten the rig to drive better on the street yet?

Thanks Guys!

I'll try to answer all the questions posted:

Originally posted by JoshC
Congratulations Jefe, you did a fine job :thumbsup:

Did it pop and crack and make noises while you were going up the ramp??

How did it ride on the way to the ramp?
Other than the dual rate coil-over squeak/scratch, as the center slides up the shock shaft, it was quiet. Offroad its great. I was expecting to have to revalve the coil-overs, but they're stiff enough for now. Definitly different than the IFS though.

Originally posted by BUCHVILLEMAN
good job!

on your track bar mount on the frame - in relationship to the pitman arm how close is it? it looks like you can clear the pumpkin and the pitman arm with your bracket ... ive had a time lining that up.

beautiful job. i am very impressed.
you staying with 35s or going up eventually?
track bar bracket is clear of the D30 diff (hopefully the D44 will clear also) and the pitman arm. however it is right above the tie rod, so if I stuffed both sides up within 1.5" of the future bumpstops, I'd pretzel the current tie-rod.
I'm gonna stay with 35's

Originally posted by BKennedy
That is awsome!! Is your tire rubbing on the shock on that full stuff pic?? That is very cool, you did a great job.

You going to Los Coyotes this month?
Yes, however with bumpstops that should be mostly avoided. And yes I should be out at Los Coyotes with my D44 ready to rock :)

Originally posted by CAC91
That looks really nice! I bet the back will move once you put some bumpstops up front. It looks like the front is softer so it just uses up its travel first when you don't have a bunch of weight on the back. Great Job!
yeah, with bumpstops it should help a lot.

Originally posted by NOTAJP
Nice work. Have you gotten the rig to drive better on the street yet?
Its better. the D30 track bar bracket hole had been enlarged by the previous owner, so I had play there. Thats fixed. Now I just need to keep adding caster until it feels right. Its still not wanting to go straight and return to center.

Jefe looking good:thumbsup: I admired your wood working skills when you built my storage box but you never cease to amaze me. You transfered your wood working skills to metal. That is really some piece of art.

Your rig will flex better in the rear when you get some multi-leave leaf springs. Mine did. The trick is to make front and rear work equally.


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Jeff, it's beautiful! I can't wait to see it at LC.

You need to quit your day job!;)

:eek: BAD ASS!!!

Got my MORE wheel spacers/adapters in; spacer is 7/8" thick to match the TJ width, and adapts from 5x4.5 to 5x5.5 to match the D44.

And went on a midnight run w/ John to test out our new suspensions. The front was great. The steering is much nicer than the rack/pinion offroad. I can actually turn even when all the weight is on one wheel. I had adjusted the dual coil stop, so that the 350 lb/in coil takes all the weight before i fully stuffed a tire, so thats doing a good job of acting as a bump stop. Got off the trail and did some baja'ing. Got up to 40-45 mph on a road with 6-8" whoops/gullies and the front handled great. Nice and smooth. much nicer than the IFS. Now my biggest problem is I can't find an obstacle/rock big enough to actually lift a tire on :D






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Great job Jeff that looks fantastic. :thumbsup:
