Joe93 (2002 Dakota) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Joe93 (2002 Dakota)


Elite Dakota
February 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Colorado Springs, CO
I started a new thread cause I changed quite a few things so My truck looks a little different. Here is my truck its a 2002 Dodge Dakota 4x4 with the 4.7 V8. Has a bunch of other goodies as well.

Here are the mods so far:

4 inch Rancho lift
Rancho 5000's
285/75R16 dueler AT's
Drop in Dodge bedliner
Custom front bumper
Hella 500 driving lights(100watt bulbs)
Hella 550 Fogs(100watt bulbs)
Removed all Factory decals off the truck
15% Window Tint all the way around
Piaa 9007 Xtreme White plus bulbs
Custom intake
Flowmaster Cat back
Removed the 3 cats and replaced with one HighFlow cat
Ported and polished Throtlebody to 70mm
3923 autolite plugs
Relocated IAT sensor
adjusted TPS
Audio mods :
Pioneer DEH-P550MP MP3/cd player
MTX Thunder 8000 12's(2)
MTX Thunder801D(Subs)
MTX Thunder564(Components)
MTX Thunder T8.6(2)

Future mods are:
JBA headers
4.56 gears
Rear Bumper(Being fabbed up by my Buddy)


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Here is a pic of the new bumper that I like to call my Honda Killer.


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Another View of the bumper


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Just a pic of my Box in my truck. Has the Hi-Lift, Shovel, Axe, And Procomp 55 driving lights to light up the night.


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Looks awesome! Tell me more about port and polishing the TB if you would.

That looks awesome. How about that bumper? Can you really tow from it or is it like the KM bumpers that dont hold up so well? And how much does it weigh? My buddy had a dakota and might be interested in that
Thanks and keep on rockin

Originally posted by Rx4phun
That looks awesome. How about that bumper? Can you really tow from it or is it like the KM bumpers that dont hold up so well? And how much does it weigh? My buddy had a dakota and might be interested in that
Thanks and keep on rockin

Yup You can tow from the bumper. The bumper mounts to the frame with a total of 8 bolts, 4 per side. This bumper will hold up verry well. The bumper without a winch weighs about 100 pounds. I have seen pics of these bumpers being used as winch points and such.

Looks good. It'll look better with the lift too. Your second picture of the front view kinda sorta looks like a ranger. my mom thought it was an S10 and my Dad called it a Tacoma. I bickered at them for their mistakes. Keep up the useful mods.

Your Dakota has come a far way!! Congratulations, on all of your great work, just one question? Are you going to put a bedliner in, or better yet get your bed rino-lined? It seems that from what I have heard, that part is the most suseptible to rust and what not from rain fall. Plus, adding a toneau(sp?) cover would take away from the drag that your rear gate would give you. Just a suggestion...

Thanks for the compliments. I was suposed to have my bed linexed for xmas but some things happened and i didnt get it done. It is next on my list after the lift tires, gears go in. Man the list just keeps going. Only 2 more days till i start on the lift. :bounce:

That looks great man, I LOVE Dakotas and Durangos, especially after owning a Dakota R/T . I am thinking that if I cant find a Sport-Trac that is a good price then I am gonna look at the Durangos...definately awesome trucks.

looking good man!
I still love the way Dakotas look and for a long time that is what I wanted. But now I am happy with my Jeep. The bumper looks sort of like an ARB. Be sure to post pics after the lift is on.

I will have plenty of pics when its done. I just hope it goes smooth.

Well the lift is on and it went pretty smooth. The only thing im disapointed about is I need to get new rims in order to run bigger tires. The upper ball joint is way to close to the tire now anything bigger would rub alot. So now i need to decide on some new rims then i will get my 33's. I will get some pics up tomorrow.

Well here are a few pics. This one is the day I bought the truck.


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After lift


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1 more


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here is a pic of the new rims. I will be running 285/75/16 Dueller AT's. WIll have new pics with the tires by this weekend so stay tunned.

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Well I finally got the new tires and rims on. I went with the American Racing Baja's cause that was one of two choices tht would work for me. The tires are 285/75/16 Bridgestone Dueler AT's. The specs on the tire are 32.9x11.4x16. Im pretty happy with the out come. No rubbing any where. Thats the first that has ever happened for me. So what do you think? I'll get some better pics up tomorrow these were just some quickies before it started to rain.


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