Joe's Money Pit! 97 Explorer XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Joe's Money Pit! 97 Explorer XLT


Well-Known Member
July 24, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Deltona, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Ex XLT & 84 Ranger
97' XLT 2x4 4.0 OHV from Saint Augustine Florida.

Things you cant see are Pace setter headers, delete 1 of 2 cats, Flowmaster 40 series and 2 1/4" pipe. I cut the air box off and put an open cone filter on the MAF sensor, Electric fan and did the "zip tie" mod found in the forums. Blue LEDs under the dash and in the cupholders.

I love getting comments and answering questions so lets have 'em! I will post pics as things get changed!

I put the bumper and rocker panels from a 99 on it and lowered it 2"inches






I replaced the 3rd brake light with LEDs



After I got the aftermarket headlights I wanted to add a twist to them, so I seperated the lenses and added LED strips in them.




Here you can see the tweeter in the door and my gauge pod.


10" Polk DB in a custom built "Stealth Box".


Amp hidded in the jack compartment with 2 2" fans (one puller one pusher)


Overhead switch panel


Prop rod modification


This is what it looked like when I got it.


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From here down will not be updated as I want to keep the history of building the truck kind of in tact. So this point on will remain unchanged.

The truck is filthy here but this is the front bumper I just put on from a 99. I like the look much better and those fog lights are a HUGE improvement over my old ones! There is no Ford badge because I am working on a new one for it.


For about $20 I got these aluminum bars to make a dog cage with. beats $75+ for one that looks junky!


Looks good man! Let me know how that cowl hood works out, ive been thinking about doing one

nice x

Nice stealth sub enclosure. Looks good with the updated bumper.

Oh "the truck is filthy" its white, it never looks dirty!

just finished my new emblem for the tail gate! The one for the grill will be the same but Im going to have FORD fill in the space a little more than this.


Looks good man! Let me know how that cowl hood works out, ive been thinking about doing one

I'm interested in the cowel hood details as well. :)

Finally finished my emblems!



How'd you do the emblems? I'd love a pair of those!

How'd you do the emblems? I'd love a pair of those!

I made plexiglass "lenses" and painted my own lettering on the back side of them. Painted them met black and glued them to the chrome part with silicon caulking. I got tired of ruining emblems so I did this lol

Awesome. My main question now is how you did the letters. Are those free hand?

Awesome. My main question now is how you did the letters. Are those free hand?

I found the letters online and traced them onto masking tape. It took about 20 minutes to cut them out with an x-acto knife. Little more tediouse than I like but the result is good.

I found the letters online and traced them onto masking tape. It took about 20 minutes to cut them out with an x-acto knife. Little more tediouse than I like but the result is good.

Cool. If I get the patience to do that then I just might.

Can you post some pics of that sub box? That's what I WANTED to do, then said f it and made an easier box :D

Can you post some pics of that sub box? That's what I WANTED to do, then said f it and made an easier box :D

If you find the one v8boatbuilder made, mine is pretty much identical. I posted it on here somewhere fefore. Let me know if you cant find anything and I'll email you some pics.

Looks good. I'm looking to take on some audio install in a bit. I was wondering how you did your sub in the back. I have a 12" from my old car in a normal box but I'd love to tuck it into the location you have yours.

It would be dificult at best to get a 12" in there like that. Do a search for Stealth box on here and alot comes up. I built mine from info found here.

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Just finished my cowl hood.


