JP Explorer Toys! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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JP Explorer Toys!


February 5, 2021
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer Sport
Found these guys wandering around target tonight. I almost bought the big one, which has opening doors and night vision goggles(!) but I stopped myself when I found the micro 3 pack. Might be fun to put the little explorer on the dashboard....

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“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.” - Sonic the Hedghog

I used to collect vehicle toys back when I was young. I wonder if they still at attic back home.

Funny you post this. My brother and his wife bought me that big set as a bday gift a few weeks ago. The Explorer is pretty neat, and it didn’t take long for my 5 year old daughter to promptly requisition both it and the TRex. She thinks I need to paint my Explorer like JP4/5 but I think I prefer mine to appear a bit more…pedestrian

I started collecting after I finished my JP05. I bought a few of the Explorers along with the matchbox Explorers and Jeep’s. Then it grew into what you see now… haha

Since I used to be into scale crawlers I started working on this to match my full sized one. lol it’s not done yet. I started working on my Bronco II lately and haven’t had the time to finish it.

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Oh and the JP Explorer shoes! Lol


A buddy at work sent me a pic of the toys at target today. That's funny this thread came up as well.
