So I've been wanting to convert as much of JP to LED as possible for a long time, however LED's aren't cheap and most of the time not very bright. So while goofing around over on Pirate, I came across these super cheap and bright LED's out of China. You get 20 pucks on a string for $26. Only the take 3-4 weeks to get here They are worth the wait!
So I started off replacing my rock lights. This is the 3rd stage of these. I originally started with 5) 55 watt fog lights, they we're really bright, but when you get the roof lights and two lights up front going it was starting to be a bit much on the electrical system.
Stage 2 was some accent LED lights I picked up from the auto parts store. They worked but not as bright as I wanted, and they still cost me $50+ in the end
So now stage 3. I installed the new rock lights, and they are much brighter.
I liked them so much....I did the interior of JP too
So I started off replacing my rock lights. This is the 3rd stage of these. I originally started with 5) 55 watt fog lights, they we're really bright, but when you get the roof lights and two lights up front going it was starting to be a bit much on the electrical system.
Stage 2 was some accent LED lights I picked up from the auto parts store. They worked but not as bright as I wanted, and they still cost me $50+ in the end
So now stage 3. I installed the new rock lights, and they are much brighter.
I liked them so much....I did the interior of JP too