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Just for giggles


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
Any of you guys try taking your 2020 or 21s on basic trails lol I know there not meant for them but?

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If they perform somewhat like the 5th gen Explorers, the 6th gen should do okay. No reports yet though.


I saw a great video on Youtube which of course I can no longer find. I actually couldn't believe how easily the '20 ST made it up an obstacle on the trail. I was expecting it to get stuck, or see damage, but it just made it through without an issue.

This is a different video, but it gives you an idea of how well the 4wd system works...


The Explorer ECUs is up on the firewall above the front wheel well. I would imagine it could forge very well through several feet of water and make it across some medium to light duty trail roads.

It is called an “Explorer” after all. 😀

I guess you haven't seen some of the off-road videos of the 5th gen. Though not a 'rock crawler' it did well on light to medium off-road trails, especially with its terrain management system.


I guess you haven't seen some of the off-road videos of the 5th gen. Though not a 'rock crawler' it did well on light to medium off-road trails, especially with its terrain management system.

Well maybe I just didn't have enough experience with my parents 2013 but I'm not down falling the new gen I looked into one before I got my 11 Yukon

Well maybe I just didn't have enough experience with my parents 2013 but I'm not down falling the new gen I looked into one before I got my 11 Yukon
One thing though I'm glad they went back to rear wheel drive

I had my '16 on some steep gravel switchback "roads" covered in wet leaves a little while ago. I was surprised how well the terrain management system worked going up and down the hill (even with the stock Michelins).

Don't most of the owner's manuals state you can go through water up to the wheel hubs? I think even my old Expedition manual had that in there. I would expect that the 2020+ are the same.

The Explorer ECUs is up on the firewall above the front wheel well. I would imagine it could forge very well through several feet of water and make it across some medium to light duty trail roads.
I doubt very much it’d go through “feet” of water. Way more to be worried about than the ECU.

I doubt very much it’d go through “feet” of water. Way more to be worried about than the ECU.

It will "go" right until the point that the intake gets filled with water. After that it gets real expensive. ;)

It will "go" right until the point that the intake gets filled with water. After that it gets real expensive. ;)
Been there.
