Keep your combustion chamber clean Oil Seperator | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Keep your combustion chamber clean Oil Seperator


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

I just picked one up for our Mustang. This is a VERY good idea to keep your combustion chamber and valves free of deposits.

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This is cool. I overcame the problem with a cheap see thru fuel filter, but this setup just looks better and actually gets the oil out of path rather than turning a filter ugly. You guys keep coming up with these good ideas faster than I can get them installed, so here's another to do for me.
This will help a lot guys, really
It will keep your throttle body and iac valve cleaner also I beleive, since the blow-by is sprayed in upsteam of these components

I may have to look into this. I have an oil burning problem which I believe is caused from the PCV valve. But this won't stop the consumption problem, just stop the burning I supose.

Hey Todd, my 99 V8 does suck oil up thru the PCV valve. When I went to a 5 / 20 oil, it drank over a quart between changes. I have been running a separator for about a year. Went to 20/50 synthetic and it stopped most of the problem - the separator does not need to be cleaned very often.

Then after you put on a separator, SeaFoam it. But do it in the dark - your neighbors will think there is a fire. The smoke was unbelievable!

Seafoaming is more fun when everyone sees it though!!!

I seem to have less comsumption with 10W30.

Rick, Won't the crankcase breather will still allow oil into your intake???

Been running one made by Greddy for over one year now. Intake runners are cleaner.

jtsmith said:
It will keep your throttle body and iac valve cleaner also I beleive, since the blow-by is sprayed in upsteam of these components
Not so On the SOHC V6s
anyone actually think that an OZ of oil per month, hurts anything?

410Fortune said:
Rick, Won't the crankcase breather will still allow oil into your intake???

I don't know exactly what you mean. The crankcase breather is the PCV system right?

the tube that goes from the valve cover to the intake tube pre throttle body is the crankcase breather.
Many people put a filter on this sucker, those small K&N things, so it can be bypassed.
I figure if Ford put it there it is there for a reason.

spindlecone said:
anyone actually think that an OZ of oil per month, hurts anything?

Yes... have you ever seen carbon deposits on valves? Have you ever seen carbon deposits in combustion chambers? That's mainly oil deposits not fuel.

410Fortune said:
the tube that goes from the valve cover to the intake tube pre throttle body is the crankcase breather.
Many people put a filter on this sucker, those small K&N things, so it can be bypassed.
I figure if Ford put it there it is there for a reason.

Yes, there is a reason. To keep blow by gasses from entering the atmosphere. Emissions standards say the gasses have to be burned in the motor and run through the cat.

Drag cars run systems that pull blowby out of the motor and create a slight vaccum in the engine block. This supposedly helps the rings seal as well as keeps the blow by gasses from contaiminating the combustion process. Oil doesn't have a high octane...

This seperator runs in line with your PCV valve. It doesn't bypass the factory setup, it merely pulls the oil out of the vapor.

I understand. If you look at the Pumpkin on the pass side valve cover you will have a tube going into your main intake tube as well as the PCV tube on the back of the D side valve cover.

My 5.0L also has this.

Rick said:
I don't know exactly what you mean. The crankcase breather is the PCV system right?

On the Mach you have both a PCV and a crankcase breather. The pcv valve on the rear of the left side valve cover. The tube for the pcv goes into the center of the upper intake manifold. There is also a crankcase breather tube on the right valve cover that goes directly into intake tube between the MAF and the throttle body. This means there are two paths for oil vapor to get into the intake......

To me this is kinda odd isnt it? One goes into the intake manifold after the TB and one pre TB, I wonder why????

Rick said:
Yes... have you ever seen carbon deposits on valves? Have you ever seen carbon deposits in combustion chambers? That's mainly oil deposits not fuel.
Have seen all the above Rick, on engines with High miliage, that burn oil, I:E say a QT per month.
Do your Mod, than report back as to how much oil you recover per month.
My son has that very system on his roush stang, he may need to empty the oil it is accumulating in a few years as it is miniscule.
But I guess every drop counts

I just called Steeda and here is what they told me. For a street motor they reccomend 1 seperator. That way you still have a slight amount of oil getting to the top end of the motor to lube the upper cylinder walls. On their race motors they run two.

I'll keep my upper end lubed thank you! hahahaha

spindlecone said:
Have seen all the above Rick, on engines with High miliage, that burn oil, I:E say a QT per month.
Do your Mod, than report back as to how much oil you recover per month.
My son has that very system on his roush stang, he may need to empty the oil it is accumulating in a few years as it is miniscule.
But I guess every drop counts

The Mach is know for having more oil in the pcv and breather lines than other N/A Mustangs because of the type of motor it has.

Some of it also has to do with the oil weight run in the vehicle. The Mach is spec'd for 5W20, but a lot of people are running 0W20 which just contributes to the problem.

What weight oil is your son running in his Rousch?

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JDraper said:
The Mach is know for having more oil in the pcv and breather lines than other N/A Mustangs because of the type of motor it has.

Some of it also has to do with the oil weight run in the vehicle. The Mach is spec'd for 5W20, but a lot of people are running 0W20 which just contributes to the problem.

What weight oil is your son running in his Rousch?
5-20 RP
