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Keeper's 2000 Sport.

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Explorer Addict
April 30, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Riverside, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT 4x4
Howdy ladies and Gentlemen, I'm pretty knew to the forum, and an even newer Elite Explorer. Seeing as I'm Elite now, I've got to have a registry.

I picked up my Ex shortly after I came home from Iraq last year, when I bought her, she had about 91,x.. miles on the odometer. The Ex was my first vehicle, and at first there were quite a few issues with it. Had to replace spark plugs, wires, battery, the battery tray. After working this out, she ran like a dream. As you look at the pictures you'll notice all the different color panels, and them not lining up quite right. This happened due to an accident, bent the inner fender and radiator support a lot...ish. But she still runs great, and I think it adds quite a bit of character to the Ex.


2000 Ford Explorer Sport, 4.0 SOHC 2wd(unfortuntly)with 102,x.. miles on it.

  • Alpine CDE-102 installed.
  • Under dash lights. (Red)
  • Cobra 19 Ultra III CB. (Got it from a family friend for $10, can't beat that.)
  • 5lbs fire extinguisher mounted in back.

  • AEM Cold Air Intake.
  • 4.6L Ford Racing Throttle body.
  • JBA Spark plug wires.
  • All synthetic fluids.
  • Installed Rancho RS5000's all around.

  • Aftermarket tail lights.
  • Removed side steps for that little bit extra clearance.

I'm in the process of straightening out my bumper mounting bracket.

Future Mods.
  • Bull Bar/Brush Guard.
  • 31" BFG.
  • TT.
  • 4dr Leaf springs.
  • Shackle lift (looking into some Warrior 153)





And some sorta half-assed flexed pictures.



I'm also looking for a name for her. Ideas?

Thanks for taking the time to look at my Registry. Any comments, criticisms, ideas and tips are welcome.

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nice sport

Thank's Sam.

I'm in the beginning stages of planning out a functioning Oil Pressure gauge. After doing a few hours of searching about the Dummy gauge, I think I've gotten the idea of how to do the step up for the oil pressure. I need a functional sender(from what I've read a 1985 f-150 with a 5.0. Not sure if this will work on my 4.0. If not suggestions?) and the appropriote sized T pipe(think that the right name). Put the stock sender on one end, and the functioning send on the other. Leaving with the dummy, and a trimmings for a real gauge.

Also trying to decide which other gauges I should put in, as I live in Socal, I'm thinking a Water Temp would be a good idea, and the other one I haven't an idea.

Looks good brother. Oh how I long for those sunny daze and salt free roads. :salute:

Thanks man. Gotta love Cali, don't think I could deal with the cold, or snow. Let alone all that salt you guys put up with.

Was stationed at El Toro from 90-96 - loved it.

Ol' Corps right there.

Yeah, I guess they closed it after I left. Was my last duty station - Got out August 26, 1996. Seems like yesterday! :rolleyes:

Congrats on the shackles and thanks for serving.

Looking forward to some pics!! :popcorn:

These came in the mail today.

Here's a look at my engine. You can see my AEM Cold Air Intake, and the 70mm TB.

And after the new wires.

After looking at the pictures, I have the sudden urge to scrub the hell out of everything in that bay.

These came in the mail today.

After looking at the pictures, I have the sudden urge to scrub the hell out of everything in that bay.

I said the same thing after seeing pictures of my engine compartment.

Your truck is looking good! :thumbsup:

$123.00 shipping, ouch. :eek: Located in El Monte. Is that too far for you to go pick it up?

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