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Keeper's Explorer. Take two.

Welcome to my new registry. This is my 2000 Explorer XLT. Bought it from the original owner for $3,400. Came with the owners manual, and the paper work to prove it's been dealer maintained. When I purchased the Ex, it had 111,000 on the odometer, a small tear in the leather of the drivers seat, some sand in the back( take it the guy was a surfer, found a few surf board fins in the jack storage area). Gonna do a alignment when I get the chance, and start transferring all my mods from my Sport into this.

As she stands when I brought her home.






How she currently stands.


Current Mods:



  • Sylvania Silverstars for the headlights.
  • x2 Hella 500 driving lights.
  • Fog light/ High beam mod.
  • LED Puddle lights, license plate lights.

Engine:4.0L SOHC

Suspension and Brakes

Drive Train

Projects for the future:
  • Quick disconnects for front and rear sway bar.
  • Possibly LS up front.

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if you don't keep them...dibs on the ring and pinion:D

Well they both look pretty tore up, good size junks missing out of both sets of teeth. :thumbdwn: Would those even be useable, even temporally?

Art...that's what I want them for:D

Ouch! Never seen one come apart like that especially just driving down the road. $200 for that axle ^^^^^ sounds like a killer deal and the fastest, just swap and go.

Welp another update after saving for a while I finally got the Explorer taken to a local shop. Needed the transmission replaced as it was a total lose. After that I went and picked it up and the transfer case is on its last legs. Chattering like hell and binding when turning. Pulled that front drive shaft to get her moving cleanly. Gonna pick up a good transfer case and swap it in as it's pretty straight forward from what I've seen.

From what I've found out, it goes I. These steps:

1: pull drive shafts
2: disconnect electrical components and vent hose
3: place floor Jack under the thing, unbolt fuve bolts
4: pry loose the tcase from transmission
5: swap new one in via reversing process including new gasket.

Think I'm gonna pick up a tcase from the shop if possible, which would hopefully come with some sort of warranty, and it would have at least been given a once over. Have to call them at lunch and see what I can hash out.

Thanks for those who kept an eye out and offered advice along the way.

Have you thought about swapping in a manual shift transfer case?

I've given it thought but at this point I just want everything up and running correctly so I don't have to drive around in a minivan lol

I've seen the swap threads for the manual and it all looks pretty straight forward, and something I'd like to do once I get the Ex settled and my finances straightened out a bit more.

I've given it thought but at this point I just want everything up and running correctly so I don't have to drive around in a minivan lol

I've seen the swap threads for the manual and it all looks pretty straight forward, and something I'd like to do once I get the Ex settled and my finances straightened out a bit more.

For all you do for us you deserve a nice ride:salute:

Don't forget a catch pan to get all the trans fluid that will spill out of the tail housing. :)

The brown wire is the only real pain on this job. You can either cut it and splice back together, or you can remove it from the connector. Zip tie the shift motor to the frame rail to keep it out of the way.

If you have the vibration weight on it, and it seems to hang up on the gas tank, just remove it. Makes life a lot easier when dropping/ installing.

The very top bolt has a wire loom hanger on it, so after you remove the bolt, make sure the hanger is out of the way. Have to feel for it, very hard to see it. Don't forget to put it back on when installing the new case. Iv'e done that before. LOL!

Bottom bolt: This one does not want to come out all the way as the head hits the crossmember. After it is backed out all the way, leave it loose and drop the T-case with it.

Just a few tips to help ya out a bit when the time comes. :D

Well I've had the explorer back for about three months now. I've gotta say it's nice to have my own ride back. Now I've gotta play the catch up game as far as normal maintence such as spark plugs and some other odds and ends. The main issue I'm concerned about is recently I've noticed when I back out of a parking spot and make a hard turn in either direction I'll get a loud ratcheting sound that can also be felt throughout the car. Recently I've also been able to start hearing small clicks and whining from the front end and lower speeds.

Now my guess is it may be my CV axles are on their last legs, 169k miles on them. Anyway that I could check the CV's to see if it them. Also are there other possible causes?

Any ideas or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Does it shudder when you turn the wheels when parked? Might be the power steering rack going out. Shudders & vibrations in the steering wheel when turning are a good sign of this failure.

Well coming back from a funeral and my steering staring feeling super stuff when turning to the left. However when turning to the right it feels normal. So along with my previous post, could CV joints contribute to my new issue?

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