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Key fob programming


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
Today I attempted to program several new key fobs.

After cycling the ignition key from off to run 8 times ending in run, the locks did not unlock and lock to signify the programming mode.

Any ideas why this happened?

Thanks ....

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Did you try again? Does your current remotes/alarm work? Did you try 9 times for good luck? I found that it really likes it to be smooth and fast, 8 times, no long pauses. I think it can be somewhat finicky.

Did you try again? Does your current remotes/alarm work? Did you try 9 times for good luck? I found that it really likes it to be smooth and fast, 8 times, no long pauses. I think it can be somewhat finicky.

Yes, I tried the provedure several times.

My current fob(s) work sometime but mostly don't function.

Mine stopped working, but I could still arm the alarm with the keypad, but not when I locked the doors with the power lock botton or the remote. This happened after I had the battery disconnected and the reconnected it. I picked up a new controller from ped5stang, swapped it out, programmed my fobs, and it works great again.

Mine stopped working, but I could still arm the alarm with the keypad, but not when I locked the doors with the power lock botton or the remote. This happened after I had the battery disconnected and the reconnected it. I picked up a new controller from ped5stang, swapped it out, programmed my fobs, and it works great again.


What is this controller you referr to?

My alarm set itself automatically.

If you have the factory alarm, then I assume that you mean when you lock the doors, etc, it sets itself. Yes, mine does too, until it stopped working. However, I could still set it with the door keypad, which I thought was strange. The controller is called the RAP, and I'm sure is the same in your '99, and is located on the back behind the trim in front of the jack. I think I was able to get to it without removing any trim.

Not saying this is the same problem you are having, but that was the eventual fix for mine when it started acting weird (i.e. fobs no longer worked, but alarm would set with the door panel only).

I cannot get in the programming mode.

HELP; any ideas or suggestions?

Does the RAP module control the programming?

Yes. The RAP module controls everything to do with the alarm, door locks, and programming of fobs. My thought originally was that if it went bad, nothing would work. I was wrong, replaced it, and all is well again.

Do you think it is possible that it is not allowing me to enter the programming mode?

Did you 'electronically' unlock the vehicle first? IIRC, if you just use the key to open the door, the programming won't work. Also, did you get all 8 cycles in within 10 seconds?

When mine went out, the remote did not work, so I couldn't unlock with the remote. And when I replaced the module, I didn't have any remotes programmed to it, so it wouldn't work there either. So, I don't think you have to unlock it with the remote in order to program the remote (doesn't make sense, does it?).

I really think your RAP is dead. I got mine for something like $35, shipped.

Are you making sure you're geting from 1(off/lock) all the way to 3(on)each time and ending in 3 with in 10secs? and before you start do you push the power door unlock butten? have you tryed reseting the computers by disconecting the neg cable for 5 sec

Did you 'electronically' unlock the vehicle first? IIRC, if you just use the key to open the door, the programming won't work.

Jeff, no I did not. However, I tried it that way after reading your post with the same result. It will not enter the programming mode.

Also, did you get all 8 cycles in within 10 seconds?


aldive yours may be like mine, i got to speed racer it to get it to program a new fob or key.. Talking super fast takes me like 4 or 5 trys in a row to get it.

aldive yours may be like mine, i got to speed racer it to get it to program a new fob or key.. Talking super fast takes me like 4 or 5 trys in a row to get it.

Thanks for the hint; I shall give it a go tomorrow.

When you are doing the on off thing, do you hear the locks clicking after the 5th time? If the door locks don't automatically lock,or unlock, then you are not in the program mode.

When you are doing the on off thing, do you hear the locks clicking after the 5th time? If the door locks don't automatically lock,or unlock, then you are not in the program mode.

Ray, its 8 cycles for my model year and NO, the locks do not cycle.

I havn't a clue what to do next.

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Well if they don't cycle, then it's not in program mode and it won't work.
Have you checked out the connections to the RAP module yet?
Try reconnecting them and see if maybe it's not a corrosion problem on the terminals. Maybe a bad RAP module? Other than that, I really wouldn't know. Sorry.
