Knock-off Hi-Lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Knock-off Hi-Lift


Well-Known Member
January 2, 2003
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City, State
St. Simons Island, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Does anyone have any experience with the knock off Hi-Lift jacks from somewhere like Harbor Freight, Northern Tool or Agri-Supply? I was looking at one at Agri-Supply the other day for about $35, and it seems really strong. And if these are a good deal and will last, do you think that Hi-Lift parts (winch kit, fix-it kit, base, 4x4 rac, etc) will work with this as well?

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I got mine off ebay for a hella of a good deal, like 40 with shipping

Can't beat a true Hi-Lift...I have even seen the cheap Hi-Lifts bend under a decent load.

i got my knock off high-lift for $20 from one of those freight companies.... it served its purpose, but i wish i just dropped the cash for a true high-lift.

They're just not built nearly as strong. and they're much much harder to use. Ive had to use a hammer to get it to release a few times. My buddies actually broke... they're just cheesey. Ill be buying a real high-lift soon

Thats what I was thinking. Anyways, a real Hi-Lift is only about $20 more. Not bad at all

Spend the money on a real high lift. you can get a 60" high lift for about 60 bucks and let me tell you theyre indestructable. I once had to use mine as a winch to winch 2 trucks up a hill, after the come along we had fell apart. my hi-lift has never let me down.

Ok, so here is my next question. Should I get the 48" or the 60"? I would think that alls I would really need is the 48", and it would be easier to mount, but does anyone think that I would need the 60"/ What do people on here have? Also, whats the difference b/w the solid black one and the black and red one? (I saw two different pictures on 4Wheel Parts) Plus, if anyone reads this who has one mounted, could you tell me or show me? Thanks

Hands down 60" if you wheel it's the only way to go, much more versatile. the black one is stamped the red one is cast, get the red one.

Stamped bend like a wet noodle. I can get you some bad pics of some of the blacks ones that have been bent. Get the red worth the money.

A real High Lift is dangerous enough.... please dont get the cheapo.

My pop had one for a few days for farm use. Several times the pins didnt lock in and it slammed down. He cut it up in a chopsaw and threw it in the scrap metal pile so no one would ever use it.
