Kris Guilbeaux' 1992 Explorer XLT project is Home | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Kris Guilbeaux' 1992 Explorer XLT project is Home

Kris Guilbeaux

Elite Demon Secretary
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 12, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Nav, 99 Mounty, 98 Ex
Here is a picture of us loading the monster on the trailer to get here home to Victoria Tx where the 2wd will under go a complete rebuild. I will keep every one posted as the project comes about. The plans might change since the truck needs a lot of work. I would also like to Thank Michael and Randall for all there help getting the Truck to its new home.

Here are the Plans for the Explorer:

T-case: BW 13-54 manual t-case
Dana 35
extended Radius arms.
Skyjacker Lift
1" body lift to clear future Atlas 2
5.13 gears
I am also looking into stronger axle shafts.
Warn manual hubs
Rear: 8.8 5.13 gears with powertrax locker from Navajo
rear disc brakes

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Very cool.

Maybe when I get my new leafs in we can have a project day or 2 and I can come back down to Vic. See ya tomorrow!

you said the truck needs alot of work, do meen mod wise or is something wrong with it???? Thats trkmagic's old one right?

Yes it is Brian's old Truck. It has been sitting for over a year and does not run. The Rear axle need to be rebuilt. The Truck has no Brake lines. And for some odd reason the Front axle does not work :rolleyes:

When did Brian let it get in that bad shape? Yeah I bet that front axle needs alot of work, lol.

What happend was he was off roading and he had a strap on the front and fell off and ripped out the front brake lines. once home he parked it and ended up useing parts from it for the Sport trac (RIP) and was going to make it in to a project. But instead bought and 92 4x4 and a 94 4x4 and Sold the 92 2wd to me. I promissed Brain I would give her a good home and an awsome rebuild.

Sniff Sniff! {rip} Out of anyone to sell my baby to Kris is the one that I wanted to have it! It will be nice to see it getting a new life as a 4wd V-8. I am happy w/ the deal but it is very sad seeing something you put so much time into get loaded up and sent to another city! Sniff Sniff.

Don't worry Brian, you can always see it (in person, in Each of your Post's (see the little photo of it over there?))

yeah I know. Still a very sad day.

what engine had you considered putting in there? and what performance mods (doubt if you'll need any, but who knows) will you be putting on it?

I am Going to install a 96 Explorer V-8 with a Mustang AOD and Atlas 2. If I blow the Motor up I will buy a Ford Crate Motor. Not sure how soon all this will get done.

Come on Kris..... Just got get a 5,000.00 dollar loan so I can see my old truck Solid and 4wd... He He j/k. Dont do that youll be paying for it for 10 yrs.

a little off topic but Kris what kind of rig did you/they tow that with? I'm asking cause I'm gonna trailer mine down to Fort Worth and tow it with my 79 chevy 4x4......just wondering if it will be enough? that and I need a trailer.

We towed it down with my dad's 1998 Dodge Ram 1500, 318cid. It pulled it with little difficulty. It was actually a pretty easy haul.

here if you want to see it 4x4 and solid that bad here you go.

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Ha Ha very funny Kris.

Marvin, i towed my 97 with my 99 F150 with the 4.6L. Wasn't to bad but i only got about 8MPG and couldn't use OD on the interstate! haha, i live in WV so the mountains kind of hurt me too! Shouldn't the Ford be towing the Chevy!! haha, j/k buddy!

Happy trails!!

That is the Best I could do in short notice. man that $5000.00 went quick.


Originally posted by Trckmagik
Ha Ha very funny Kris.

Its in the Garage.


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looks like fun, man I wish my X would fit in the garage!
