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Kris Guilbeaux' 1992 Explorer XLT project is Home

chris do you have any pix with the front axel in or the tcase in?


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The front axle is not in just yet. I do have a picture of the t-case in the truck.


Unfortunatly the Tranny I bought was a dud and every thing had to come right back out. The Tranny is Going to done with the Rebuild tonight and it will be going back in tomorrow.

The Explorer has just been in the Garage doing nothing for the past month.


here is the Dana 35


hey can you take a picture of you rear Pinion angle Actually im gonna make a thread of this I wanna see where everybodys pinion is pointing in comparison to mine now that Ive done my Spring over

yeah I can how would you like me to take the Picture. I can also take pictures of my navajos Pinion angle if you need.

That would be great. if you could post it from the side maybe crawoing under the passanger side...I think thats the clearest (no gas tank in the way) I think I need to put some degree wedges in mine to get rid of my rear Vibration.

someone told me to buy a protractor to do this
do you know the proper proceedure to find the correct degree I need.


Ryan do a search for it. Sears sells the tool you need, however if you just need shims go get some 3 degree shims and try that.

Also you can read about pinion angle setup here:

Nice job on the 4x4 conversion man!!! Looks really familiar, all those parts laying around, all that custom swapping going on, I feel right at home. :)

You gonna run 4.56 or 5.13?

I am Going with 5.13s for sure. Yeah it looks familiar to me to. Since this is 4x4 conversion #2 for me.

ya I bought the tool and read the write up but I cant make sence of it.

I really hate to discuss this in chris's forum so maybe you can help clear it up in my other post.


I get my axles back with the 5.13s installed tomorrow. I am Excited.


That is all that is left then, eh? Sounds good to me man. Let me know how those gears work out for you.


Great ride. I dig those 36s. Is the Jo the commuter now? I am envious, to have a wheeler to drive to work and a wheeler to thrash on the weekends would be so nice!
I like the fender chopping you did. What did you cut them with? What did you do with the inner fender? Did you bend them over after you cut them? Did you start up by the horizontal part or what? I am getting ready to cut the front fenders on my Navajo and i want them to look like yous not like other peoples I have see that just wack off the bottom corner. Just looking for some tips. Yours look like a smooth job, front and rear. Thanks- Oh 1 more- why not a d44 or 60 with 36s?

I used a sawzall to cut the fenders. I removed them from the Truck and them cut then bent then back. The inner fender was cut then beat what a 10Lbs sledge.

The only reason I went with a 35 instead of a 44 or 60 was Money. The 35 was mostly free. :) But I did figure a way to keep the spindle nuts from backing off and plan to get stronger axle shafts as well.

enlighten us on how you found for the spindle nuts not to back off.


My Dad had a guy at his work, modify my lock nut with set screws so there alot less likely to back off. But this will not stop the bearing to fail under the load of the bigger tire just delay it a while.

Got Pics??


I do but they are really blured. I will try to some better ones and post them for you.

Those Bearongs suck. I read something over at rroc about putting D44 TTB knuckles, bearings and rotors (Basically the spindle out) on and solving the bearing problem, of course then you have to solve the lug pattern problem. Isn't there a Kit from warn with set screws? I wonder what it costs and how come we don't hear about it.

Kris, I am moving from Texas soon, so I probably won't get to meet you and go wheeling. Our Navajos are almost twins! Maybe I will see you in MOAB or Colorado when a group goes. I want to see some pictures of your Ex in action!

Well as soon as the truck is done I plan to go wheeling some where. I am Hoping to have it done by Thanksgiving. When are you moving?

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We are moving the thanksgiving break, and Christmas Break. Where are you going for thanksgiving?
