Late Fall Tellico Run | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Late Fall Tellico Run


Explorer Addict
April 6, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Up state NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 xls
Ok I talked with Caleb (LimitedEx) and he is game for it.

Ok the possible dates anyway weekend after Nov 22nd (unless i state otherwise.) Cause i'll be in school learning cool stuff till then and its total lockdown for me from jul basicly till then.

This is Tellico. So Make SURE your stuff is ready. Mine will be.

Trail gear is need for this. For the second gens. I'll have some spare cv's but thats it. Everyone should have their own recovery equipment just in case. While i think most guys with winches wont mind helping out you never know what can happen.

Required Stuff
Cold weather gear - this is a winter / late fall in the mountains
24 supply kit. (if more info i need i can break it down but its survial basics)
CB Radio. Make sure you test it and it works.
Spare Tire - full size not your dounut.
Recovery points front and rear - this is a must have.
Tools to work on your junk and lend a hand. If enough peopl are gooding we can break it down and cross load on the trucks
Emergency Contact Data - I'm in the army its part of my check list in case something goes wrong. And this is who we call no you if something happens I'll bring a medic bag in case of Murphy.

Optional stuff
everything including the kitchen sink

I will be bringing a popup camper and staying the weekend.

post if you going like so for info if you will so we know what trails to plan

My rig :
2000 xls
33's (might be on 35's for this run)
3 body lift
3in tt and rear leaf pack with 8" longer travel shocks up front
front locker
4.56's and a manual transfer case
My recovery option 60" hi-lift with winch option / manual labor
Tools - everything i have to work on the x
recovery point front and rear
CB radio

While this is not a big dog only run stock is strongly discourged.


( caleb you've been there so your gonna help choose trails along with those that have been there before cause its my first time there)

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I'll be up for it. I've been several times and will be glad to help pick trails and stuff too. I'll lead if need be. I'll have a winch and some spare stuff.

thats makes 2 of us.. might have to pm a few people to let them kow about this i think

I would like to go. But I worry that my truck will not be able to wheel there. I would not like to go through another crozet incident. :eek: What do you think josh? Could I wheel there if I added some sliders?


Dopler174 said:
I would like to go. But I worry that my truck will not be able to wheel there. I would not like to go through another crozet incident. :eek: What do you think josh? Could I wheel there if I added some sliders?

Tell me what mods you have. And yes, if you want to run Tellico, sliders are HIGHLY recommended.

Depending on the date (is that Thanksgiving weekend?) and my circumstances at the time of the run, I'll be interested in going - Tellico is just a three hour drive for me. However, I just got a govt contract that can put me on call at any time and I'll never be able to plan months in advance again; I can get called to work at a moment's notice.

I'd definitely be down to go. Just gotta find out if I'll have anything going on with school and all.

Count me the heck in, as long as I still have my truck and I live in the southeast I am game.

yeah Patrick... You need to finish reshaping your gas tank skid plate to conform to the tank more. Like Gerald's. :D


jasonb said:
yeah Patrick... You need to finish reshaping your gas tank skid plate to conform to the tank more. Like Gerald's. :D

I dont know how I can ever get it to resemble something straight again, maybe I can just drag it across more rocks at tellico.

GaSouthern1 said:
I dont know how I can ever get it to resemble something straight again, maybe I can just drag it across more rocks at tellico.
Is Tellico mostly rocks? Cauz that'd be grande :thumbsup: :D

IZwack said:
Is Tellico mostly rocks? Cauz that'd be grande :thumbsup: :D

There are surely plenty of them, you wont be dissapointed.

Gerald i dont know if it will be that weekend or not.. I'll be in the woods training while 99% of the tie between now and then goes by. I am suggusting it. Would like to see it. Will go up there anyways even if its just to check out the easy trails and camp.

I think i need to get some sliders and skidplates then

dopler, if you get rock sliders that would help out tremendously. As far as tire size, I think you would have to get a size or 2 bigger. We've had a stock 4 door trooper go thru there with 31s and he had a blast doing it. If you wanna try it like you are now but with sliders, we've all wondered if a stock Ex could do it. You could be the first to try it if the other guys don't mind.

If Dopler's stock then yeah I'd also be willing to go with the group on the "easier" trails and see what happens.... but on stock size tires and no lift, skidplates and sliders would be absolutely essential. Otherwise I'd think that the vehicle that came out of the trail would in no way resemble the vehicle that went into the trail :D

And yeah Tellico has lots of rocks. Mostly dirty/muddy rocks. Traction can be an issue especially if it's wet.

Gerald, when were you up there last?

heck i just picked up a new skid plate for 30 bucks... since i never had one to begin with it... should help protect what left of the tank.

Who ever wants to go, go. You bring it you wheel it.

Josh, it's been awhile. Wow, I think I missed last year, so it's been at least a year and a half. (?!) And I still haven't made it out to Uwharrie. One thing that happened last year was buying our boat, which took up a lot of the playtime weekends that I used to go wheeling instead. Plus there was a time there when I had gone to Tellico so often that I kinda got bored doing the same trails over again and the only trails left for me to do were the ones that absolutely guaranteed serious damage to try to run.... so I guess I sorta fell away from going out there. Add to that the fact that we did try several times to get a run up and then no one would actually show, so I just gave up on it.

It's been long enough now that I'd like to go again, especially if it's around when the leaves are changing and the scenery is spectacular during the run.

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just emailed pottsy about a set of rocksliders... Gonna have removeable steps made into them, for the wife and daily driving.

Gerald you want to lead this run? Choose a good date (after Nov 22 please if a reason is needed i'm pm ya as to why) and soon good trails to make this run fun for everyone?

Anytime you want ot hit URE let me know and I can most likly do it (ecept from aug 31 to nov 22) you can run every trail there with out any major problems i believe.
