Leaked in China: 2023 Ford Explorer gets facelift and a redesigned interior | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Leaked in China: 2023 Ford Explorer gets facelift and a redesigned interior


April 3, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Santa Clara, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 Ford Explorer ST





An ugly facelift, the interior looks better than the exterior, guess it's only for Chinese market.

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It looks Chinese...

OMG that screen! - Not liking the front (at least in this photo) rear I am mixed - but the interior could be good but really wonder if that ENORMOUS screen would be even "allowed" in the US Market.

OMG that screen! - Not liking the front (at least in this photo) rear I am mixed - but the interior could be good but really wonder if that ENORMOUS screen would be even "allowed" in the US Market.
"Allowed" by the regulators or by the bean counters? Looks like no more screen area than the three screens in the top of the line Grand Wagoneer.

Reminds me of a song by Lyle Lovett.

Now I crept up from behind her
She looked so fine to me
But when I stepped around her man
My eyes could plainly see
She was ugly from the front
She was ugly from the front
She was ugly from the front
And I said ugly-ugly-ugly-ugly-ugly

Well I could handle it behind her
And I like it on the side
But don't make me look around her man 'cause she's

She was ugly from the front
She was ugly from the front
She was ugly from the front
And I said this girl was so ugly...

I like the back end. It adds a little more 'flare'. The front isn't all that bad IMO but I noticed there don't seem to be any foglights. I wonder which trim it is.


I like the back end. It adds a little more 'flare'. The front isn't all that bad IMO but I noticed there don't seem to be any foglights. I wonder which trim it is.

You have to remember China had a slightly different Explorer since 2020, front, back and inside even were different. So this doesn't mean we're getting the same look.

.....may their chips be in short supply

Looks great. I like the improvements especially the rear and interior.

Looks like a Platinum.

I think that the pink/maroon and two-tone gray actually doesn't look bad. I guess that exterior colour would also have some impact on that.


China was getting more and more independent with respect to many design features. Seats and screens were a big part of that. This can be a bit of a problem, since once you go mucking around with some of these things, you can have unintended consequences. NVH is a potential issue for sure. Also, depending on the verification process that the screen went through, there could be some issues associated with just that part.

Ugly is in the eyes of the beholder I guess. I was never a big fan of Hello Kitty stuff either, but it seems like a lot of people like it. It's hard to ignore a market of 1.4 billion people. I think their long term plan is to figure out how to make cars from the US OEMs, then kick us out. Tesla is the only US manufacturer that isn't required to do a joint venture. Not sure how they finagled that.

I like the interior colors.

I sometimes have to hop over the center transmission console to go from the passenger seat to the driver's seat when some idiot goes into my parking space. Not any more if they are that high. Do not like the back lights.....too flared. I drive a Ford SUV, not a glorified Cadillac. Just the girl in me. And my other car is a Fiat 124 Spyder 1971. That is sporty enough for me......with the top down.

"Allowed" by the regulators or by the bean counters? Looks like no more screen area than the three screens in the top of the line Grand Wagoneer.
have you not seen the tesla one? . the only thing it looks like the screens more usable . i saw no use of the tiny screen backup cameras
where the radio was . as far as grill nothings more ugly than a Lexus front from the last few years. at least in Europe they put the wide license plate across

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