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LED Turn Signal Mod

You’re not bursting anything over here. Pretty much every thread you start has been a bunch of nonsense. You hate just about everything on the vehicle yet you now want to trade this one in for a new one. You’ve made false claims such as how long the ST has been in production and for sale. You’ve also made false claims about the ST not having a location for the tow hook. It’s really comical. The class c misdemeanor thing is a joke as well. You claim you are in law enforcement but you are on here more than Peter. The laughs just keep coming.

Yeah but Peter does not have an ST, he has an Aviator. St is a totally different animal.

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Hey.....don't drag me into this debate.:)


Where did I say that Peter has a ST?

You said that Mike is on here more then Peter. Peter and Mike have different trucks. Aviators don't have as many issues as ST's, so maybe that is why Mike is on here more then Peter. I was responding to the highlighted sentence.

You said that Mike is on here more then Peter. Peter and Mike have different trucks. Aviators don't have as many issues as ST's, so maybe that is why Mike is on here more then Peter. I was responding to the highlighted sentence.
You totally missed my point. Peter is a moderator and is always on here helping out members. That is my point. I appreciate all that Peter does. At no point did I ever say that Peter has a ST. I know he has an Aviator. Mike has been in here with plenty of false and misleading info. I hope you understand everything I’ve said here. If not let me know if you need clarity. Please highlight any sentence you might need help with. Thanks.

While I appreciate the advise in this thread, I can’t get the local police to enforce a stop sign at my corner that also has a neighborhood park, let alone imagine them ever giving out a citation for LED bulbs ..........

I’d really be happy if they did something about these ‘fart box’ mufflers the local kids throw on their lowered cars, sounds like giant weed-wackers racing up and down my street in the summer, blowing through that stop sign when I’m trying to cross the street with my kids ..........


Ronxlt, nowhere have I ever said I don't like the ST. You said it, I didn't.
Additionally, now that I have a weeks seat time with the replacement ST provided as a result of the buyback, I can't wait for the travel restrictions to be lifted. The tune suggested to me by blwnsmoke really uncorked the beast. This ST rocks in ways the first one never dreamed of. I should have known better than to buy a first build after that acrimonious strike!
I have grandchildren in CO and CA. I plan on taking a very circuitous route.
From Ft Worth, TX to Denver, CO. Into UT on I-70. Then wind my way sw through several of the nat'l pks and on to Pahrump, NV. It is the eastern gateway to Death Valley. North up US 395 from the west side of DV. One has the Sierra Nevada mtns to view the entire way driving north. West on CA 120 through Yosemite Ntl Pk. Visit the gk's on the east side of the bay. Then south on CA 1, aka the Pacific Coast Hwy. One can take either CA 58 or 166 (my preference) east to CA 58 and on to Barstow, CA. From there, back to TX. Along the way I can drive various sections of nicely preserved US 66. I never tire of taking this route. I drive it alternatively in the reverse direction each time.

I found this yesterday mousing around on the web. The web site claims the upgraded flasher will stop hyper flash. Has anyone tried such ?

I found this yesterday mousing around on the web. The web site claims the upgraded flasher will stop hyper flash. Has anyone tried such ?
These all work fairly the same. Nothing new here, been out for ages. Instead of the flash timing being Dictated by amperage it’s based on time.

Question is, will changing out the OEM flasher to this one keep the dashboard turn indicators from hyper flashing vs having to use forscan.

While I appreciate the advise in this thread, I can’t get the local police to enforce a stop sign at my corner that also has a neighborhood park, let alone imagine them ever giving out a citation for LED bulbs ..........

I’d really be happy if they did something about these ‘fart box’ mufflers the local kids throw on their lowered cars, sounds like giant weed-wackers racing up and down my street in the summer, blowing through that stop sign when I’m trying to cross the street with my kids ..........

TX, several legislative sessions ago passed a rather broad motor vehicle bill covering illegal lighting in an attempt to quash the rise (no pun intended) in the use of off road led light bars on these damn jacked up pickups. Buried in the bill is a section relating to the use of non, DOT compliant, LED tail light lens and bulbs plainly marked for off road use only. The inspection stations are tasked with checking for this during our annual insp. Without the inspection, one cannot renew their plates. It is all linked by computer. It is instant. Compliance or non compliance also shows up in a patrol vehicle on the computer. Gotta love the newer license plate readers. It does it all. No more trying to drive and enter information. Vehicle insurance is also now tied into our system. If the plate has no insurance tied to it, the screen flashes the equivalent of the phrase "Epic Fail". :snicker:

I was not trying to be a butt head either when I got off on the legality of using the LED turn signals available at Autozone and O'Reilly Auto Parts. I simply don't want to hear that a forum member has been cited for using them. Our TX statute was modeled after that used by CA to my understanding. Me, I could care less if someone used an LED votive candle. As long as I can see it, that's all that counts IMHO.
"Grandma Grumpy" (so named by our 7 yr old grandson) has these all around the house as night lights.

I found this yesterday mousing around on the web. The web site claims the upgraded flasher will stop hyper flash. Has anyone tried such ?
I used an EP27 LED compatible flasher and do not have any hyper flash issues in my 3rd Gen.

The hyperflash issue stated in the article is somewhat misleading. The hyperflash isn’t a feature that lets you know a bulb is bad. It’s a mechanical function of how a flasher unit operates.

If the new Explorer hyperflashes to indicate you have a bad bulb:

1. This is done to mimic what has happened in cars since blinkers were invented.

2. Quite sad. You’ve got huge areas of screen available . How about a “x bulb is out”?

These typically have a chip in them that runs a timer to set the flash interval at a set on-off-on time, instead of relying on the heat generated by the load required to flash the turn signal.

If the Explorer uses load monitoring, instead, and simply flashes the signal output I don’t see why it’d have a replaceable flasher unit at all.

Well according to Ford the hyperflash is an indication of a bad bulb.
This is from page 93 of the owners manual.

"Note: An increase in the rate of flashing
warns of a failed indicator bulb."

It’s been an “indication” of a bad bulb for almost 100 years. Kind of how a stalled engine is an indicator of not having any more gas.

Willing to bet 99.999% of inspections stations can't tell the difference between an LED blinker bulb and incandescent. On top of that, they will watch it flash once and move on, not stand there. On top of that, no inspection station is going to remove your tail lights to get to the harness.. to get to the bulb to check it. Bulb works, it passes...

Light bars are a totally different situation and are illegal on road and believe everyone running one with uncoming cars should be ticketed heavily.

I run dual 30" light bars, they are bright as F built into my grill (on my F350)... and I run them on the back country roads BUT I immediately shut them off upon seeing headlights approaching. Many run them on the highways and city roads including 18 wheelers. They are way too bright and never aimed properly.

I agree 100%. The kids working the local certified insp stations could care less. Al long as it blinks when they turn on the 4-ways, that's all they care about. They pay more attention to burned out headlights, taillights, windshield wipers. They get a spif from the station owner for any on the spot repairs. Believe me. They hate the newer vehicles with LED lighting. The way the weather in TX destroys wiper blades, I simply bring my brand choice of blades and let them make the change out. That way the kid gets some pocket change for doing so on top of his/her hourly, which I'm sure is not scale. lol
As you are, I am all in on beating the dog snot out of those that do not dim their off road lights on public roads to oncoming traffic. I love the 30" flood/spot Black Oak for my Setina PB400. I am having Dana Safety wire it when they do the PB install and related engine skid plate so that when auto high beams turn on, it goes out. Just like the fog lights. There are some kids around here that have the driving lights on their Mustangs in bambi mode. There is on kid in particular that drives a red GT350. He is on the county and state watch list I am told. Way too many callers giving dispatch his vehicle description and plate number. Kid is stupid. He hangs out at the local Exxon like he's the fonz.

:) Had I not ordered the XLT inserts that come installed if the roof rails are deleted, I'd seriously considered adding a second light bar to a cross rail. I may still go that route. Dana has some killer light bars.

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The other option as I do not have the panoramic sunroof :) is to have Dana install a set of the Feniex interior visor lights with a 40* spread. Again wired so as to not blind oncoming traffic.
