Let's see all the swing out tire carrier bumpers need ideas for my '03 Sport Trac.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let's see all the swing out tire carrier bumpers need ideas for my '03 Sport Trac..


Explorer Addict
March 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Sport Trac
I'm planning on building a swing out tire carrier for my lifted Sport Trac, I've looked at a couple on here and like jefe's but I have a plastic bumper cover and reinforcement, not steel.

I'd like to either keep the factory bumper on and fabricate something inside it like jefe's but again, plastic. Or totally fabricate a whole new bumper with swing out tire carrier like pictured below on these Yota's.

I like how the bumpers have the sides on them for added protection, just looks cleaner this way too. My bed is composite so I need the protection while trailin'.

Please post pictures and or links of your's or others, Thanks.




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you could try to fit one from another truck like a s10 or pathfinder or bronco 2 ive seen some retrofitted but you could also start from scratch with 2x2 or 2x4tubing really whatever you want

I have a Sport Trac with a composite fiberglass bed so I can't do that.

Thanks man, I new I'd seen a thread here before about this.

Nice, thanks.

Ya, I've looked at those but they hang down too low for offroad use jmo. I already have the design in mind, I just need to get the parts, steel and a spot in my truck clubs garage for a day or two to weld everything up. Thanks for the suggestion though.
