lets see pics of explorers towing | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lets see pics of explorers towing



Scrap+Trailer= 7300lbs.
That busted up 240 had 4 cores in it plus the 2 on the back and sides......

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this is my father in laws 15 ft bass boat ... thats all i really pull ... he has a bit bigger 16 ft boat but the x doesn't like to pull it (one in the background)... BUT IT WILL :D

9 foot love sac

this thing is touching second row seats and still this fare out :o)
ladie said will that fit (buying used) I Said I will make it fit. Then my wife asks me will it really fit? ha ha . few running starts to stuff it in enough. At the depot getting a strap & plastic before the rain was going to hit. But what a deal $100.00 for a $1200.00 item. the kids love it.

wow imports ... what is that? i had about the same problem from renting a blowup slide from my sons birthday

Is that a Lovesack? Those things are awesome! Think giant, foam filled bean bag with a lifetime warranty!

jcat where did you get the rack you can tow with? adam and imports ... guess thats for the inner kid in all of us? lol got a link for it? haha

that receiver hitch is awesome ... got a link? and any videos of the bike? and where in atlanta are you from?

I don't have pictures of any of it, but a guy I wheel with towed a YJ buggy on one tons and 40s up to Harlan KY (way up in the mountains) with a 4th gen 4.6L. It didn't like it, but it did better than I thought it would.

I used to tow a 19ft runabout with both of my first gens from time to time.

Loaded up before my ride on monday







I wish I had a photo of my 2003 explorer sport when it was towing a hot air balloon several years ago. I never took one-- but never ran into a problem with towing the basket/envelope/etc! :)

Wish i had a pic when i was towing a gen 2 explorer on a flat bed with a gen 2 explorer.

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