lets start another heated debate about electric vs. mechanical vs. hydraulic cooling | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lets start another heated debate about electric vs. mechanical vs. hydraulic cooling


Active Member
March 15, 2005
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thunder bay ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT
anyhow you get the point

so i was working on some new d8 dozers in the tailings pit today and i saw that the extra rads needed to cool the dozers had hydraulic motors on the fans got to thinking hydraulic it looked close to the same size as a electric motor, would be able to power any size fan it wanted to, does not add any load to the electrical system, turns as long as the engine runs same as a mechanical fan, reduces drag on the engines rotating assembly, can be turned completely off by way of a shut off solenoid installed inline with the hydraulic lines, can run off a power steering pump . so for you haters out there you get a the best of both worlds sure it will make the power steering pump work a lil harder but not too much it would add about 2 litres of power steering fluid to the system, you could add a power steering cooler in front of the rad. be easy to plumb in . any thoughts ?

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from what I understand this is interesting.

You had a brain binge and couldn't type it fast enough eh? :D

I am intrigued by the idea though.

Lexus has done this in the past. Dumbest idea Ever if you ask me. PS pump ***** the bed and you lose cooling....

JL 3x12 Xplorer said:
Lexus has done this in the past. Dumbest idea Ever if you ask me. PS pump ***** the bed and you lose cooling....

True, but how frequently does a PS pump fail? And when it does, you have a very instant symptom to tell you to pull over, and shut the thing down.

Seems like a cool idea, though I'm not sure it's worth the extra effort to convert an X to use this sort of system.

JL 3x12 Xplorer said:
Lexus has done this in the past. Dumbest idea Ever if you ask me. PS pump ***** the bed and you lose cooling....

Same thing will happen when your water pump goes out. I would think more about this, you may be on to something here.

I just use an efan that runs on power already there. I run a 1900 watt total system and its all fine

i was just looking into this cause i like the option of being able to turn off the fan completely and with all the haters out there, when it comes to efans i was curious what everyone thought about this?

I think a lot has to do with what medium you feel comfortable working with and can afford to pay for be it belt drive, electric, hydraulic or even run off your oil pump. Basically if you design it right it will work. Ah can you have fun doing it? Yes of course even if you ran it off steam. Ok do any of you remember the work the Harley engineers put into designing the radiator for the new Harley? Well it turns out there was more to cooling the radiator than they thought because if they just blew the air straight through the thing would over heat so they had to angle the air flow to get the heat dissipation they needed. Any way just a though.

I own a 2002 Lincoln LS and it has a hydraulic fan. Mine has not gone out, but from what I understand, they are a ***** to work on. When it's out, it's out! Expensive too!
