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Life guard's elite exporer registry


Explorer Addict
July 10, 2004
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Year, Model & Trim Level
93 eddie bauer 2 door
Lifeguard's elite explorer registry

Well this is my 93 explorer. so far its only lifted 2" and 30 " mud rovers but i just orderd a set of 4.56 gears off e bay for the rear end(not sure if im going sas or not so no front gears yet) well hears some pics.





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Looks good. I love the look without the doors. I can't wait til spring time! So are there just a couple of connectors in the doors that you can unplug when removing them? What did you do about the hinges? Completely unbolt them? Make a pin so it's like a Heep Wrangler? Did I mention I can't wait til spring time?

I wanna know about the doors too. Has anybody come up with an easy way to remove them when wanted?

The plugs for the doors are behind the kick panl. it's easier to unplug them befor you unbolt the doors. i left the hinge on the car for a foot rest. :D mark the door wher the hinge is befor you unbolt it and that will help you line it bake up when you put them back on. you will need a friend to help i try to do it by myself and the door fell off the jack and now ther is a big dent on the bottom of the door. :banghead:

that first pic looks really cool, nice lookin truck

the no door look is neat, like a jeep.

nice looking truck you got there

:thumbsup: Very nice truck. Clean also - I like it a lot. Keep up the great work


Thanks , im glad every one likes it. hear are some more pics.

This took 12 hours to get out. lol

hears some pics from today.
this was a little scary. almost put it on its side

My buddys jeep

just for fun. :D

And at the end of the day.

ide like to know about the door removal too. Is it the bolts on the door for the hindge and then just unplug it? is it legal?

I can prob take them off in 15 min now. lol idk how legal it is but i never got introble for it. :D
jeeps can do it why cant we? is ther a reson they can?

I've heard that it's because they have a "lip" on the side of the Jeeps, so stuff couldn't fall out. I've been researching the laws in GA about it, and all I have to do is have 2+ mirrors (one of them is my rear view mirror) and I'm all legal. :cool:

I'm building tube doors this spring, so I'll be adding some mirrors to it. Might get some Heep TJ mirrors and door latches for it.

....mirrors...damn it attached to the door...say hmm auto zove mirror duct taped to the A-pillar?? it's worth a try.

good point about the lip, i was looking at a heep at an auto show and that is one thing i remember about them that lip is pretty high

Seein what it might look like with the dana 30 under it.



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Got some new parts for my sas.

I dont know if i will use the buckets or not, i will have to clean them up and see if i like them or not.



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