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lifted 2007 explorer

Wheels and tires are on now. I'll post pics asap. It looks wicked!!

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Please hurry up! I as well as several other people cannot wait any longer to witness the regal beast that is your ex!!

i cant for shur =p''

Next time just wait until you have the pics - that teaser's just torture!

No kidding, I hope no one is holding their breath!
























here you go guys let me know what u think. i guess next will be a cold are intake and sct tuner.

That looks just awesome, your Explorer is a certifiable beast. I'd half expect to see a picture of your Explorer driving over some old sedan.
I like the Fox sticker too, personally, I usually opt for Thor, but Fox is a good brand.

Wow, that is sick. You did a really nice job on it!

holy cow, that looks amazing!!! Tire size/type please?

Thanks everyone

So here are the specs on it up to now

2007 IRONMAN Explorer XLT
6" lift
18X9 Fuel Hostage black and machined wheels
33X12.50 Nitto Mud Grapplers

holy kumkwats batman O.O'' thats positively awesome sweeeet ex

Just to clarify, how thick are your Roadbully spacers (please also designate front and rear thicknesses if different)?

Plus 3 inch body plus the added tire height

Nice work man!

Here is what I am interested in though after your lift...
-how big is the angle of the front upper ball joints?
-have you encountered any rubbing sounds of the back axle half shafts rubbing on the perimeter of the pass-though-hole in the frame?

Looks good, those are the only two things you have to watch out for.

Plus the computer-auto-traction-management-thingy should really help you out off road. It is (almost) as good as full lockers in the differentials. I think any gains over installing lockers in the differentials would be very minimal over the traction-system, so that system saves you a lot of money over lockers.

Everything is really good. As far as the lift really only 2.5 front and 2 rear are affecting any angles at all. Of coarse the body lift doesn't affect the suspension at all. So my strut spacers are as safe as all the others that have them. My arm angle looks really good and my axle tube has plenty of room. And yea the traction control is awesome. Only thing I don't like is when I take a 15 mph curve at 50 it kicks in and auto slows me down lol. Guess that's kinda a good thing!

Also. Anyone think I could get into any mag? If so what one. I mean I know its not that special but it is the only 06 up that I know of lifted this high. Thanks

**** man...thats way tall

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If you're looking to get into a magazine, just go submit some pictures to the magazine's website. The Petersen's 4wheel & offroad and Four Wheeler magazine websites is where I would start.
