Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread! | Page 40 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

posted on show off your trac thread but may as well post here also... i now have 4" superlift, 3" body lift, 2" TT and shackles and am running 35 12.5 15 cooper discoverer STT's on procomp 98 15x10 with 3.75 BS... tell me what you think








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We got rain today do I went back to where I went on Tuesday. This time a buddy with a 2wd ram went with me. The vehicles there before us left nice 6-8 inch rutts in the new soupy mud. I handled it no problem. Doughnuts, a couple little hill climbs and I was satisfied. My buddy got his dodge stuck 2 times! Good thing I was there. I miraculously recovered him twice when he couldnt get out on his own. He was the one that always blew me shut about my "3 ft bed and v6" ;) hehe.

I forgot to take pics tho! :( guess ill have to go again soon.

yo travis, your trac is a beast! i told myself that i would never need to go bigger than 33"s, but after seeing offtrac and you go 35", im seriously considering making the jump on my next set of treads.

I want 35s too! I'm just worried about width cuz the next size up on the mud grapplers are 35x14.50 and thats what i want. Toyo makes a 35x13.50 which i'm also looking at.

Just wanted to say thank y'all! Between all the TT and AAL threads and being bored because of no work i managed to get my truck lifted and enough cutting to get on an old set of 33x12.50s bolted on. Between the 1.75 TT and getting surgical with the die grinder I gottm to fit without doin my BL first. Still don't know how to load pics though! Rrrrrrrr! Not very computer savvy thanks again!

how to post pics:

get a photobucket account

upload your photos on the account

copy links provided for each pic you upload to your photobucket account

paste the link on your forum posts

hopefully I did this right! Thanks again

Sorry if I reported tryin to figure out what I'm doin!

I only see one pic though!

I made a video a month or so ago on how to post pics. It's stickied in the new user forum. On my mobile or I'd drop a link.

alright guys i posted in the show off thread so here it goes in this one. update on the a arms:



all finished up:






im getting the hoops done thursday and hopefully by friday ill be bolting everything on to save me a bit of money in labor. really the only thing i have to do is integrate bump pads for the hydros, the hydros also need to be welded on along with some limit straps. ill try and get some pics too of the whole process. special thanks goes out to the guys at CFS Offroad for working with me and how particular i am! let me know what yall think.

Getting a Price to do this to my cladding!
(dead link)


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