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Photos Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

I think a photoshop will be the best thing for now. its too bad we couldnt have one giant sport trac meet. Its real nice having painted cladding from the factory, they look so good. But the trim right below the driver door looks like crap from getting in and out. Oh and I havent ran into any lifted tracs yet. Most modded sport trac I seen near me was this one.

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Someone actually bought the Uncle Ben's pumpkin Trac, that's what I call it. Lol. Too much going on with that Trac, jmo. That silver Trac that's jacked up is about as useless as most lifted jeeps like that. Both trucks have been for sell for years now with no buyers, unless someone buys it and sells it right away but both have had ads online for about three years now.

I know its way too high. Just thought it was interesting.

I go to clemson and that orange ST is too bright although I wish I could get those flares.

The bones on that lifted white one are good; there's just no need for that much lift and that big of tires. I agree it's useless. I could work with it, though. It was 4wd (or going to be) last I saw but didn't have a front driveshaft. I didn't remember it at first but it's somewhere in the southeast. I want to say South Carolina but I could be wrong.

The only other lifted ST I've seen in person was the girl's I bought the body lift off from. It was a white 2wd on 37s. She thought the body lift would make it too tall and she was looking to sell it.

Yeah, the flares look good on certain Trac's but they also make it look like a Mitsubishi and a Nissan pick up. Both had the fender flares like this from the factory.

Man now that you say that I cant be happy with those lol.
Lookin good Breeze

once again blast from the past:


and i was bored the other day soooo....





its KINDA flexed but not really. i didnt wanna max it out. once i get spindles and taller springs and take the preload off of the springs i will have a lot more droop (which needs to be limited) and a butt ton more compression on the front end. i just wanted to work the suspension a tiny bit just to make sure everything is in good order. still on the grocery list: limit straps, bump rebuild kits, spindles, springs.

ohhhhhh the inspiration!

hey lono and dave if you guys want i can photoshop a picture of us somewhere with our tracs we just need to all decide on a pose that we can use so that all the trucks are in the same position and so are we... any ideas let me know. i was thinking a front shot with tires tured to the left at full lock and us leaning on our drivers side front fender... let me know what you think

Note to everyone who takes their Trac off road:

Take your rear sway bar off!

^like. glad to see some pics from the gulches trip. ill send a pm to you guys for facebook as well.

Still have the sway bar disconnected and I've gotten used to it on the road. It makes a HUGE difference offroad though.

Note to everyone who takes their Trac off road:

Take your rear sway bar off!

Ive done mild offroading a couple times, whats the sway bar hurting when you keep it on?

The sway bar is on there to stabilize the truck for quick maneuvers. Offroad it hurts the amount of flex. We both took it off and it made a huge difference. It allowed the rear tires to stay on the ground a lot more than when it was connected. With IFS it's suggested to leave the front sway bar attached though.

you could mess some stuff up up front if you have an ifs and take the front sway bar off. looks like a fun time out there, i just hate cleaning mud off my truck!

Note to everyone who takes their Trac off road:

Take your rear sway bar off!

The bar going horizontal acrossed the rear or the 2 bars going vertical?

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Don't have any lift on my 01 Black ST but plans include a 3" body lift and 33" tires. Want to keep the suspension near stock as it is my daily driver. I have a another truck for show. I don't want to do the torsion lift as every vehicle I have done that on drove like crap compared to stock what about these?
