Yeah, definitely glad it was only a few hundred yards from my bed.
Here's the going in part. You can see how it went from solid ground to soup in no time. Surprised I got as far as I did. When I stopped, I stopped solid.
Got it out tonight. We hooked the winch up again and killed the battery in the Z71. Hooked the tractor to the front of the Cheby and dug in with the tractor. Finally got it moving and eventually got to solid ground.
Got some bad shake on the road now. Got some major cleaning to do tomorrow.
The bad news: I'm kinda worried about the suitability of the area to put a septic tank. Gonna have to get that checked out soon. The land was planted with soybeans by the previous owner and was pretty boggy. I didn't know that before I went driving through the trees. Oops.