Liftgate Emblem Update....Black Ecoboost Emblem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Liftgate Emblem Update....Black Ecoboost Emblem


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2013
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2013 Explorer Sport
I'm a big fan of the small subtle details, all done together make a nice visual difference that don't necessarily stand out on their own, but make the overall package just work a little bit better.....and I love these cheap mods to tinker with lol my other vehicles are at the point that any mods cost at least 3-4 digits and higher, so these 2 digit mods are nice haha

Ditched the dealer emblem, and swapped the ecoboost emblem. The silver on chrome with blue and green writing wasn't matching anything else on the Sport. I swapped to a Lincoln ecoboost emblem that's black with chrome lettering and only the leaf is blue/green. Just fits the blacked out theme of the sport a bit better IMO.




Don't really think the 4wd part on the old emblem is that much worth showing off that it has 4wd lol heck even my Raptor doesn't have any 4x4 decals anywhere on it, so I didn't mind losing that part for getting a nice black version of the ecoboost emblem.


Much better!


Of course after I put it on, I started thinking, I may want to move the ecoboost badge, and the sport badge, up into the black trim piece. Then all the emblems (sport, explorer, and ecoboost) are all in the same line, similar to my Raptor's tailgate with the F-150, Ford, and Raptor emblems all in the same line. Plus clean up the look of the white paint a bit. But I'll have to buy 2 new emblems lol


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Nice quick little mod. Looks good

Looks good. I agree, it's all about the small details amd how they play into the big package.

I like this a lot better then the stock badge, and thank goodness you got that hideous dealer badge off. I'm not much of a fan for badges, so soon i'll be ecoboost - less, going to paint the sport and see, but most likely that will be gone too.

Yeah I prefer a clean look, but I also like just enough to show what is in there. If I kept the sport logo in the stock position I'd like to get one to have it painted gloss black, and just leave the red spots on either end, rather than have it chrome. If I move it to the black bar area, I'll probably leave it chrome.

Yeah I prefer a clean look, but I also like just enough to show what is in there. If I kept the sport logo in the stock position I'd like to get one to have it painted gloss black, and just leave the red spots on either end, rather than have it chrome. If I move it to the black bar area, I'll probably leave it chrome.

IMO, option one would look great and fit best with your new Ecoboost badge.

I'd move both to the black bar area if I did it, not just one of them.

That looks great Josh:thumbsup:
I was gonna give you grief over the dealers sticker, but you beat me to it....hehe

I did a "not so good" mod on the way home today.
Apparently, I ran over some white paint on the roadway this afternoon.
Could have been the Turnpike, Parkway, Highway 27 or Rt1, never saw it.
I had white paint sprayed all over the pass side lower black molding, tires and a couple spots on the rims:(
Was able to get the paint off the molding and rims with gas, but its in the tire threads

**** happens :fart:

Nice touch. I am looking for a nice, matching "Twinturbo" emblem for the rear of ours..

Nice touch. I am looking for a nice, matching "Twinturbo" emblem for the rear of ours..

I found some "3.5L Twin Turbo" emblems on Ebay that were the same size as the Sport emblem, but the seller ran out of the black and chrome ones and only has blue/red/chrome ones. I was going to put them on the doors in the same spot my Raptor has 6.2L emblems.

That looks great Josh:thumbsup:
I was gonna give you grief over the dealers sticker, but you beat me to it....hehe

I did a "not so good" mod on the way home today.
Apparently, I ran over some white paint on the roadway this afternoon.
Could have been the Turnpike, Parkway, Highway 27 or Rt1, never saw it.
I had white paint sprayed all over the pass side lower black molding, tires and a couple spots on the rims:(
Was able to get the paint off the molding and rims with gas, but its in the tire threads

**** happens :fart:

haha no chit....we did just about the exact same thing....except luckily it wasn't paint, at first I thought it was but looking up close it looks like wet paper type stuff. Comes right off, but looks just like white road paint splattered up the side, on the plastic molding, and all over the tires on the one side. Can't wait to finish painting the house so I can clay bar the explorer and zaino it.

Very nice job, much cleaner look.

I got it from Tasca Ford. There was a link in another thread I found that had it. Just search Tasca ecoboost emblem and it may pop up.

Thank you! Found one on eBay, should have checked there first.
