Light Stone or Charcoal Black Leather | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Light Stone or Charcoal Black Leather


February 13, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Orlando, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 XLT
Hey all,

So I ordered my XLT with med. light stone leather interior never giving the black a thought since I live in FL.

But I'm looking at some pictures and videos that make it look tan/beige and not grey as I'm thinking it is. On the Ford website, when you choose between them, the stone looks grey, and now I'm wondering if that was a trick of the computer monitor.

I hate beige and am starting to worry a bit.

Can anyone weigh in on what these two colors really look like?

Since it's way too late now, I'm scheming up ways to cover or modify the seat color if I truly do hate it. Anyone have recommendations?


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The Light Stone is a very nice color. It does not look tan/beige. It is a nice grey tone. You will be happy. And was my first choice, but I could not find that in the color combo (Candy Red Metallic) when I was looking for my Limited and ended up getting the Charcoal Black. I did not want to order a truck, and wait 6-8 weeks either.

I am banking on the fact that the AC Cooled Seats will work to help my black interior. This is my first black leather car. I really like the monochromatic look of the black leather interior. This is at least an "upside".

Agree with baxterdown. Light Medium Stone is definitely more tan/beige than grey. Go to dealer and check out an Edge with that color, you may not think it's that bad.

We currently have a blue Edge with the stone and reason we picked the light medium stone is because it had more of a beige look as we really didn't like grey as an interior color.

I have a white XLT with the stone interior. Yes, it is tan, which is what I wanted. It is not all tan however. I don't know if you can tell from the photos, but, even when you choose the stone, a lot of the interior is still dark gray. It's mostly only the seats that are tan.
It's OK, and I'm getting used to it, but I really wanted ALL tan. Though it's good to hide dirt, I don't like dark interiors.

Sorry everybody ,but not to call you color blind ,but the Stone interior is not Tan or Beige at all . The color is a Blue Grey as the darker shade and the leather is very much like a Mother of Pearl or Alibaster ,same color as my Flex that I am trading . I did not even think of the Black leather ,it is to dark and has no contrast inside to give a rich look,ordered the stone again. What I really would have liked to see available was the camel color in the Lincoln.

Sorry everybody ,but not to call you color blind ,but the Stone interior is not Tan or Beige at all . The color is a Blue Grey as the darker shade and the leather is very much like a Mother of Pearl or Alibaster ,same color as my Flex that I am trading . I did not even think of the Black leather ,it is to dark and has no contrast inside to give a rich look,ordered the stone again. What I really would have liked to see available was the camel color in the Lincoln.

To the average, untrained eye, and looking at it on its own (not next to something that is truly tan/beige).......I (the average person) would call it beige for sure. Don't know much about Mother of Pearl or Alibaster but for an average guy like myself, it looks beige.

I will say that shoeman has a good point that when you put the medium stone next to something truly beige it does look a little darker but if people looked at our edge and I asked them what color they thought our interior was.......they'd say beige over and over again. I guess it's in between beige and grey if you really analyze it (is that Mother of Pearl or Alibaster?) :)

We happen to like it but we're going with black this time. changing it up a bit. :D:D

You guys are crackin me up. The color war is ON!

Well my ex is coming 3/13 and there's little I can do except wait and see. The dealer had no black when I ordered it and I had put it out of my mind since the exterior is black. It's just that on further look now, as someone who likes the darker tones, the black looks striking to me now in all the new photos available because it's not pitch black, it seems it's two toned. Conversely, I'm now seeing that the stone doesn't appear grey like I thought either in all the new pictures, which is why I asked.

I'll hope for the best. Lesson learned, you need to see this stuff with your own eyes first hand before ordering.

So, since I really do hate tan/beige, assuming that's what it is, I ask any of you knowledgable fine people, what avenues are available for changing it up barring a whole new order. Maybe black/grey seat covers? Leather coloring? Is it possible maybe to change out the door panels for black ones (I never noticed that those are different colors too!)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's more grey than tan as some of you say it is. I love hearing that. Grey is fine. But tan....oh man.

Hi David. It is a very very pale grey,simple end of color war. I ordered mine without seeing the stone ,as all the dealers in my area only order the black and to me it is very dull and boring. I did know how it would look more ,less as my flex is stone as well. my wife has an 11 equinox and it is all black and looks like a sea of black plastic(that is what it is as well )

I don't think you can make any decisions looking at pictures on the Internet. Too many things that could be distorting the true color (i.e. original white balance not set right when picture was taken, photo touch-up after picture taken, your monitor calibration, just to name a few).

The only way to tell for sure would be to go find that color on an X or other vehicle that uses same color.

That's one big reason I didn't order Kona Blue. I love blue, and most of our cars have been blue, but blue can either be love it or hate it, and I couldn't find another vehicle in the same color, in good light (saw one at night during a snow storm), and I wasn't willing to drive all over to try and track one down.

I don't think you can make any decisions looking at pictures on the Internet. Too many things that could be distorting the true color (i.e. original white balance not set right when picture was taken, photo touch-up after picture taken, your monitor calibration, just to name a few).

The only way to tell for sure would be to go find that color on an X or other vehicle that uses same color.

That's one big reason I didn't order Kona Blue. I love blue, and most of our cars have been blue, but blue can either be love it or hate it, and I couldn't find another vehicle in the same color, in good light (saw one at night during a snow storm), and I wasn't willing to drive all over to try and track one down.

Agreed. Forget looking at any color for accuracy on your computer monitor. The Kona Blue looks like a ridiculous baby blue on the computer. But in real life it's a very nice dark blue.

As for the interior, call it what you want (most people have no idea what beige really is - one of those amorphous colors), but the light stone is much closer to gray than brown.

Well, I see it as tan. But, I will post a photo of mine and you can decide for yourself what you want to call it!
Taken outside in the sun. I hope this helps. I put a piece of duct tape (the only grayish thing I could think of!) and a white tissue on the seat for comparison. The sun kind of washed out the color a lot, but at least this gives you an idea. Also, the exterior of the car is white suede, and the house in the background is white
As you can see, the dash/console is the darker charcoal color.

I say to you all....just go SEE one in real life. :)

Hi David. It is a very very pale grey,simple end of color war. I ordered mine without seeing the stone ,as all the dealers in my area only order the black and to me it is very dull and boring. I did know how it would look more ,less as my flex is stone as well. my wife has an 11 equinox and it is all black and looks like a sea of black plastic(that is what it is as well )

It's just like my 08's "stone". Almost everyone thinks it is tan. It's so bad that I have started to think it also. It's an odd color, and not truly tan/beige...but far more people will call it tan than gray. Hell, my exterior is green (stone green clearcoat metallic...note the name even says "not brown") and people think it's brown. In the sun, with a fresh wash, it is an awesome color. I'll never get it again, it hides dirt looking brown.

Since I couldn't get gray like I wanted, I went black.

I think it is more tan than grey but as was pointed out, the dash, carpet and sides of the cargo area are dark grey, probably just the same as the black interior pieces. Tan interior with about every color seems to be "in style" now with my walk around the car show this last weekend.

Looks BLUE to me :bdrunk:

What was the white balance and exposure set at for that picture.

Can you attach a histogram so we know if it's over or under exposed? Looks to a be a bit of both ;)

Hey all,

So I ordered my XLT with med. light stone leather interior never giving the black a thought since I live in FL.

But I'm looking at some pictures and videos that make it look tan/beige and not grey as I'm thinking it is. On the Ford website, when you choose between them, the stone looks grey, and now I'm wondering if that was a trick of the computer monitor.

I hate beige and am starting to worry a bit.

Can anyone weigh in on what these two colors really look like?

Since it's way too late now, I'm scheming up ways to cover or modify the seat color if I truly do hate it. Anyone have recommendations?


Hi David! Wow, there are a lot of opinions on here! You should go to your closest Ford dealer and sit in a taurus, fusion or Edge with a "light stone" interior. It will give you a pretty good idea.

I ordered an XLT, black w/ Light Stone interior...After much debate I ended up changing it to the Black (actually Charcoal). I rented a Fusion with the Lt Stone and I really liked it, but w/ black...I just wasn't sure... I tend to say that the actual color of the Lt Stone seats (in my opinion) is more tan than grey, but I liked the contrasting color of the dash and IP. It's really just a matter of taste. They are both good colors!

You guys are crackin me up. The color war is ON!

Well my ex is coming 3/13 and there's little I can do except wait and see. The dealer had no black when I ordered it and I had put it out of my mind since the exterior is black. It's just that on further look now, as someone who likes the darker tones, the black looks striking to me now in all the new photos available because it's not pitch black, it seems it's two toned. Conversely, I'm now seeing that the stone doesn't appear grey like I thought either in all the new pictures, which is why I asked.

I'll hope for the best. Lesson learned, you need to see this stuff with your own eyes first hand before ordering.

So, since I really do hate tan/beige, assuming that's what it is, I ask any of you knowledgable fine people, what avenues are available for changing it up barring a whole new order. Maybe black/grey seat covers? Leather coloring? Is it possible maybe to change out the door panels for black ones (I never noticed that those are different colors too!)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's more grey than tan as some of you say it is. I love hearing that. Grey is fine. But tan....oh man.

Haha David, I'm with you, this color war is cracking me up too. I always wonder why we have fancy color names instead of just grey or tan, now I see that really it's for us to smile and nod along in color wars! ;)I really do hope that the God of chair colors has favor on you and declares Light Stone to be favorable among you! LOL On a serious note, I really do hope that you grow to love your interior color and that in this case it is more grey than tan.

If there is anything else I can assist you with, feel free to contact me!


What was the white balance and exposure set at for that picture.

Can you attach a histogram so we know if it's over or under exposed? Looks to a be a bit of both ;)

Sorry.....I just put it on automatic & took the photos.....nothing fancy. I know that colors look totally different in different lights & exposures, but just thought I'd try to help.

I really think you have to see it for yourself prior to ordering to be sure.

And I hope that those of you who have already ordered this color will be happy with it. (I think you will) :)

And I hope that those of you who have already ordered this color will be happy with it. (I think you will) :)

Mine is this color.. I love the fact that it's two tone on the dash/doors, and the color is great. I consider it exactly in the middle of grey and light tan, the carpet I ordered to cover my custom sub box is a grey color and matches the carpet on the back of the rear seats almost exactly.

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Well, I see it as tan. But, I will post a photo of mine and you can decide for yourself what you want to call it!
Taken outside in the sun. I hope this helps. I put a piece of duct tape (the only grayish thing I could think of!) and a white tissue on the seat for comparison. The sun kind of washed out the color a lot, but at least this gives you an idea. Also, the exterior of the car is white suede, and the house in the background is white
As you can see, the dash/console is the darker charcoal color.

I say to you all....just go SEE one in real life. :)
