LiKuiD's 1998 5.0 XLT/EB/Mustang Wannabe | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LiKuiD's 1998 5.0 XLT/EB/Mustang Wannabe

I figured it was time I made one of these fancy pages.

So a little background: I got my truck (1998 XLT AWD 5.0) in the fall of 2002 with 31k miles on it after my old 93' was totalled by some jerk who didnt know how to use his brakes. This time around with the v8, I figured it was time to have some fun with the truck...and by fun I mean blow 90% of any money I make on it! :thumbsup:

Now, the thread title reads "XLT/EB/Mustang blah blah" for a few reasons. First, and most obvious, the truck from the factory was a XLT. While that was fun, I really missed having all the gizmos the EB/Limited's came with. So after growing a pair, I decided to try my luck (with lots of help from the forums) at adding some fun stuff to the truck. After a success with installing my beloved message center, I felt as though an EATC was the next step. Soon enough I installed one and have been so glad ever since. What a fun combo! Next on the list is possibly heated seats and...I think thats it regarding morphing into an EB.

The Mustang part is pretty self I wont get into that. But enough babbling, lets have a look see whats inside!

- 2002 White Faced Sport Trac Gauges
- Message Center from a 98' Mounty
- EATC from a 00' Mounty
- Sony CDX-850MP MP3 Headunit
- Sony 10CD MP3 Changer = Lots of songs!
- Boston Acoustic NX80's
- MTX Thunderform powered by a 220w MTX Roadhouse amp
- Ford Silver Remote Starter

- Diamond Clear Corners & Headlights with Silverstars
- EE Airdam with PIAA Pro90's
- Trim painted to match body
- Mustang hood blister
- Red tinted tails
- 17x9 (Authentic ;)) Cobra R's wrapped in 275/55 Pirelli Scorpion Zero's

- EE Rear Swaybar
- MAC Cold Air Intake
- MAC 3'' Single Cat-Back Exhaust
- Torque Monster Headers :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
- X-2 Flasher by Mr. Doug Bama at BamaChips :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Add all that stuff up and you got one hell of a fun truck to drive. Not only does it look sweet, but it really hauls ass! :D

Now for pics!

EATC/Message Center/Headunit (with factory gauges)

Torque Monster Headers

Fun "just cleaned" shots



I think about sums it up for now. If you havnt already noticed, quite a few pieces on my truck are from X24's old beast. His truck was by far my greatest inspiration when it came to blowing my cash. Although they look similar now, remember its a work in progress and things will change when I get some free time. Until then...Thanks for looking!

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Looks great!

That's a great looking truck. Nice job on it. :thumbsup:

looks sweet! :D

that truck is amazing..i love it. 1 thing tho..the trim infont of the bumper. that grey plastic. you should get that painted also.

96limitedX said:
that truck is amazing..i love it. 1 thing tho..the trim infont of the bumper. that grey plastic. you should get that painted also.

I believe that's chrome.

Very inspiring, I hope someday my Gen II can function as well as this truck and look as good.

LiKuiD said:
If you havnt already noticed, quite a few pieces on my truck are from X24's old beast.

I was looking at the pics thinking, did he buy this from X24? Did X24 change his name?

Looks real good. :thumbsup: How do you like the headers?

SilverBullet said:
I believe that's chrome.

no i am talking about the grey plastic trim above that. he has everything else painted it would look finished if he got that done also.

96limitedX said:
no i am talking about the grey plastic trim above that. he has everything else painted it would look finished if he got that done also.

You should mention you're talking about the rear bumper. :D

Thanks for all the really means alot!

I know the rear trim is still gray but as soon as I find some time i'm gonna get it painted. It's kinda hard to get things done here at school with no garage or anything to work in.

Now...if anyone is up to photochopping the rest of the chrome to the body color i'd like to see what it would look like. I like the contrast now but it wouldnt hurt to see what it could look like. Any takers? ;)

Thanks again guys!



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yeah section i guess that was just a no brainer for sorry.

i really like it with the chrome bumpers. but the grill would look nice painted to match.

i just have to say again that is a very very clean truck!

Sweet truck. I'd leave the chrome on the bumpers, looks sharp. Keep up the good work.

i also like the chrome on the bumper. truck looks really good. have any plans to lower it?

Thanks again guys! :thumbsup:

I think im gonna end up leaving the bumpers chrome but do something to the grill. I already have an idea but cant tell ya about it till its done... :p

I'm prolly gonna lower it about an inch when I get new tires (which should be soon) so I don't have to pay for an alignment job twice.

Anyone know of some sport tires that can compare to the Scorpion Zero but dont cost an arm and a leg?

P.S. I love the headers when paired with the flasher. What a nasty combination (and I mean that in a good way!)

Based on your experience with installing the message center in a vehicle that was not originally equipped with one, do you think one can successfully be installed with 100% functionality into a 02+ Explorer Limited?

looks bad ass i like it keep up the good work

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97 Eddie Bauer v8 said:
Based on your experience with installing the message center in a vehicle that was not originally equipped with one, do you think one can successfully be installed with 100% functionality into a 02+ Explorer Limited?

Depending on how they wire the 3rd gens, it should be possible. Hell, anything is possible, just takes a lot of elbow grease to get it to work. I'm not too familiar how they work with those years but isnt the message center intergrated into the overhead console? Or is that another truck....Whatever the case, i'm sure it can be done...and if it hasnt yet, be the first! :thumbsup:
