Limp mode with no code - 2008 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Limp mode with no code - 2008 Explorer


December 8, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Weeki Wachee, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Explorer XLT
I'm still working off and of with my 2008 Explorer project. I still may have some issues with the fuel trim, and running lean. It had been driving more or less OK, but kind of rough. I found out that a couple fuel injector wires had bad insulation, so I got that shored up. Now, it seems to be running a lot more smoothly, though not 100%, and while parked, it won't rev over 3500 RPMs, but there are not codes. Is this just because it's running lean?

I'm still working off and of with my 2008 Explorer project. I still may have some issues with the fuel trim, and running lean. It had been driving more or less OK, but kind of rough. I found out that a couple fuel injector wires had bad insulation, so I got that shored up. Now, it seems to be running a lot more smoothly, though not 100%, and while parked, it won't rev over 3500 RPMs, but there are not codes. Is this just because it's running lean?
Have you tried disconnecting the battery cables and shorting the cables to each other for around thirty seconds to clear learned data?

Have you tried disconnecting the battery cables and shorting the cables to each other for around thirty seconds to clear learned data?
Yes. In fact, I had them shorted with a jumper wire for about an hour while I needed the battery disconnected anyway to shore up some wiring.
