Looked all over on this forum....Stock Tire Offset | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looked all over on this forum....Stock Tire Offset


Active Member
February 18, 2008
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Toronto, Ont
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 XLS 2WD
Can anyone tell me what it is, can't seem to find a definitive answer on here....I'm trying to line up a couple of 22" rims to fit my XLS and I need to make sure that fitment will be ok.

Most wheel sites wont show wheels for our cars in this size because of the fit, so i need to know what size spacer I must buy.

Thanks in advance.

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I have the same question shane cuz i dont want the rims sticking out or dont want the rims real thin either i want it to line up with the fenders

i had to do a ton of reaserch to get 22s on my wife the way i wanted it..... i measured the stock rims off her 04... seemed to be 6" of backspace(back towards the vehicle) and 2" outwards... about 8" wide rim from lip to lip, inside where the bead was was 7 inches so i dont know if its called a 7 or 8 inch wheel... anyway the major problem is looking behind your wheel you will see how close it rides to the knuckle, it is within an inch, so you have to make sure you dont get a tire/wheel combo that when you bolt it up wont rub that deal...... since i measured 6 inches of backspacin on the stock wheel, i would say you just have to make sure any wheel you buy does not have any more backspace then that.... ie no more then 6 inches if you run standard street tires... if you run tires wider then stock, then you need to get a wheel with 5 or so inches of backspace to push tire out more.... i would just talk to wheel store like discount tire, then if the wheels dont fit its there fault not yours....... most 22 wheels i looked at were 6 inches plus of backspacing, and those ones would be extremely close to rubbing on the suspension knuckle, ie not fitting........ you can always buy wheel spacers though, so if the wheels rub you just mount up spacers to push them out just a bit.... i have a set i bought and did not use if you need some..

i had to do a ton of reaserch to get 22s on my wife the way i wanted it..... i measured the stock rims off her 04... seemed to be 6" of backspace(back towards the vehicle) and 2" outwards... about 8" wide rim from lip to lip, inside where the bead was was 7 inches so i dont know if its called a 7 or 8 inch wheel... anyway the major problem is looking behind your wheel you will see how close it rides to the knuckle, it is within an inch, so you have to make sure you dont get a tire/wheel combo that when you bolt it up wont rub that deal...... since i measured 6 inches of backspacin on the stock wheel, i would say you just have to make sure any wheel you buy does not have any more backspace then that.... ie no more then 6 inches if you run standard street tires... if you run tires wider then stock, then you need to get a wheel with 5 or so inches of backspace to push tire out more.... i would just talk to wheel store like discount tire, then if the wheels dont fit its there fault not yours....... most 22 wheels i looked at were 6 inches plus of backspacing, and those ones would be extremely close to rubbing on the suspension knuckle, ie not fitting........ you can always buy wheel spacers though, so if the wheels rub you just mount up spacers to push them out just a bit.... i have a set i bought and did not use if you need some..

They are 8.5in wide with an offset of +42mm...I will do the math when I get home...

Thanks for that....

Looking at putting these on


i ended up getting 20s i meant not 22s... i wanted rockstars but they are on national backorder for 20x10s, i had them on order for a month, then switched to just getting KMC Hoss...

those rockstars have 6.something backspacing if i remember, so it will be close... like i said if you need spacers you can have mine, half price, never opened the box, just ordered them when i though i would need to run them, but mine did not rub..
