Lookin For Friends in oregon | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lookin For Friends in oregon


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2005
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City, State
left coast
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 xlt
hey guys, i live in eugene ,oregon, there arnt to many lifted or stock explorer's in this town that ive seen, does anyone live in eugene/springfield,salem,albany?

myself and a couple buddy go wheelin on the weekends if anyone wants to join, or has advice on trail's, weather NOT permitting

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Siekyre, Pahelo, and Alan Goering are all in your area to name a few.

You missed a chance to meet up with many of us at the NWX BBQ yesterday, but keep posted. I am sure we'll have another get together of some sort in the future.

I know there is also alot of bronco2 owners down in your area, check out


I have gone a few runs with those broco2 guys and had a blast :thumbsup:

Saturday, April 2nd. there is a mud run at Wilmarx motorcross park a little north of Portland in St. Helens. Its 20 bucks to drive 5 to watch and last time I went it was really alot of fun there were a good 150 people there with their rigs (every kind literally). Im gonna be there in my lifted red 98 XLT if you or anyone else goes or wants an address to mapquest, just email me at alangoering@yahoo.com. If you cant go then lets do some wheelin some other time just email me. later

AlanGoering said:
Saturday, April 2nd. there is a mud run at Wilmarx motorcross park a little north of Portland in St. Helens. Its 20 bucks to drive 5 to watch and last time I went it was really alot of fun there were a good 150 people there with their rigs (every kind literally). Im gonna be there in my lifted red 98 XLT if you or anyone else goes or wants an address to mapquest, just email me at alangoering@yahoo.com. If you cant go then lets do some wheelin some other time just email me. later

Dam short notice, i am moving into a house this saturday..lol, me being in eugene, my self and 2 guys from this forums, and 1 from broncoii.org might go mudding sometime soon.

give me an email when you guys know when your going ill come along mud is my favorite. Alangoering@yahoo.com or you can just PM it to me. good luck with the move, i always manage to loose and break ****. sorry about the short notice i posted it as soon as i stumbled across this thread. ill have my buddies take pictures cause ill be driving. later on

myself and a guy from eugene, he is a MOD on broncoii.org, we are gonna hit up the dune;s in a couple weeks, he has a 99 sport with 32's , maybe we can all meet up, ive been talking to about 5 local guys with eb's.

hopefully there will be a meet near oregon, we can go to,

take it easy

Where? Sand Lake? Just tell me where. Possibly I'll need directions.

hey man, i thnk its gonna be florence,oregon, just south jetty, were dune acsess is, ill give you a email when we set a date, not till prob 2 weeks,

Hit me up too on any 4 wheelin trips you guys are planning to go on :D

Any new guys

Glad to have finally met you Jason! Now that I've heard what a 40 series Flowmaster sounds like I think its time for me to get one. Good looking rig :thumbsup: Give me a call Saturday or Sunday and I'll try and meet up with you somewhere to go wheeling around BrushCreek / Courtney Creek area. That guy you saw coming out of Fred Meyers lives in Harrisburg and its not an SAS rig, he just has a 2 or 3" body lift along with a 5.5" lift. See ya later

Good deal andy, hopefully we will be able to do some Muddling, If i can afford the gas bill...lol yeah they guy in harrisburg his explorer sits tall, i was surprised, but **** there are like 8+ lifted explorer's in Eugene/Spfd area, crazyness, well ill give u a call...

Are u guys partyin tonight?...lol
