Looking at making the switch to an '11 Limited | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking at making the switch to an '11 Limited


New Member
April 27, 2016
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City, State
Canton, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2009 Cadillac CTS
Hi all,

First post here on the forum. I'll keep it short and sweet!

I'm currently driving an 09 Cadillac CTS that has 110k on it and I'm looking at getting into something bigger and with less miles. I found an '11 Limited with I think it's the 302A package that has all the options like active cruise and what not? Either way, it's loaded to the brim with all the goodies, which coming from a Caddy I need to have, lol.

Anyway I was just wondering if there are any major reliability problems mechanically speaking one could expect from these vehicles? Everything I've read seems to point that they are pretty reliable.

Also, why does MFT have such a bad reputation? Any vehicle that I've test drove or ridden in and used the system, has never disappointed me. It was always smooth and responsive and was easy to navigate and control. Whats wrong with MFT?

Any help is greatly appreciated! The ex was one of a few SUVs I have been looking at and I found one loaded in my price range so of course it's definitely on my list of vehicles to check out!

Oh and FWIW, I'm a single guy. I don't really need the 3rd row or anything but I suppose in a pinch if I have to drive all of my buddies to the bar we can all fit lol.

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Hi all,

First post here on the forum. I'll keep it short and sweet!

I'm currently driving an 09 Cadillac CTS that has 110k on it and I'm looking at getting into something bigger and with less miles. I found an '11 Limited with I think it's the 302A package that has all the options like active cruise and what not? Either way, it's loaded to the brim with all the goodies, which coming from a Caddy I need to have, lol.

Anyway I was just wondering if there are any major reliability problems mechanically speaking one could expect from these vehicles? Everything I've read seems to point that they are pretty reliable.

Also, why does MFT have such a bad reputation? Any vehicle that I've test drove or ridden in and used the system, has never disappointed me. It was always smooth and responsive and was easy to navigate and control. Whats wrong with MFT?
Just test drive the vehicle, make sure the color matches and if the price is good. The engine is very reliable and but something like with a sunroof or vista roof, I had problems with that on Ford Edge Sport and on XP XLT and spent multiple drivers at dealership per year. They gave me a tiny Mazda 3 to drive around town for a few days, several times, while my XLT was oiled for a sunroof repair for a few days.

Any help is greatly appreciated! The ex was one of a few SUVs I have been looking at and I found one loaded in my price range so of course it's definitely on my list of vehicles to check out!

Oh and FWIW, I'm a single guy. I don't really need the 3rd row or anything but I suppose in a pinch if I have to drive all of my buddies to the bar we can all fit lol.

MFT is working very good, very fast and very simple for me. MFT was only bad when it first came out. It was slow and buggy. MFT does not have the latest high tech display but it is nice and looks good in the explorers. I only look at the screen so many times but more for me is the supercharged v6.

As an owner of a 2011, I've taken it to the dealer for plenty of issues during my warranty periods. PTU leak is common so check for that. Make sure the A-Pillar rattle isn't present.

Well 2011 is the first year of this platform/body style, so it's the first year to fix all the issues from a new platform.

I have the 302a package and I love the HID lights. I had to rent an Explorer with regular halogens and I felt blind.

Blind spot detection is good feature, still look over shoulder as a precaution though.

The adaptive cruise control is something I can never undo now that I have it. Probably the best feature on the vehicle.

Have you read the threads? Most issues resolved in recalls and TSAs, but there are those that were solved in later model years.

I just traded up from an '11 to a '16. Good deals on the '16 as they clear the model year off the lots for the '17.

I'd take the $$ you were going to pay for the '11, put it down on a '16, and take the 0% financing. It's a car payment, but IMHO, you'll like it better than the '11.

Coming from an Acura and Lexus, I was also weary on buying a Ford, but after test driving every single competition in this segmant; the EX won hands down dollar for dollar; more specifically the Sport or Platinum model.

Hi everyone, thank you for your replies.

I wish I could afford a '16, but I can't. My budget is around $22,000 that way I have a payment around $350 a month. What really draws me to this '11 is that it has 68k on it and has the 302A package. It's got a lot of technology that I've wanted for awhile. It's also got the rear bucket seats and the tan interior with the black exterior which I think is sharp too.

What is the PTU leak?

Hi everyone, thank you for your replies.

I wish I could afford a '16, but I can't. My budget is around $22,000 that way I have a payment around $350 a month. What really draws me to this '11 is that it has 68k on it and has the 302A package. It's got a lot of technology that I've wanted for awhile. It's also got the rear bucket seats and the tan interior with the black exterior which I think is sharp too.

What is the PTU leak?
Re PTU leak, see this thread; http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=379087&highlight=PTU+leak
Also check the spare tire well for signs of moisture. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=327803&highlight=water+leak


Hi everyone, thank you for your replies.

I wish I could afford a '16, but I can't. My budget is around $22,000 that way I have a payment around $350 a month. What really draws me to this '11 is that it has 68k on it and has the 302A package. It's got a lot of technology that I've wanted for awhile. It's also got the rear bucket seats and the tan interior with the black exterior which I think is sharp too.

What is the PTU leak?
If that's the case, I'd bypass the '11 and go up in model year as far as you can. While the Limited is nice, and XLT is very comfortable and can be optioned out nicely.

Also, if it has the tow package, there is an air compressor that came with the 11s under the driver's seat. Before you buy it, make sure a NAV card is in the slot and see what version it is. A3 - A6 is required for the newer version of SYNC 2.

Also, if it has the tow package, there is an air compressor that came with the 11s under the driver's seat. Before you buy it, make sure a NAV card is in the slot and see what version it is. A3 - A6 is required for the newer version of SYNC 2.
I believe it is A4 - A6. A4 was issued along with one of the early updates to MFT.


Hi all,

Thank you very much for your replies!

I have stumbled across a 2013 Limited with the 302A Package with 10k less miles and it's only 1k more in cost... however it will need tires.

Does this seem like a better option? Also it has the rear bench seats but the rear center console is missing. Any thoughts on that?


Hi all, Thank you very much for your replies! I have stumbled across a 2013 Limited with the 302A Package with 10k less miles and it's only 1k more in cost... however it will need tires. Does this seem like a better option? Also it has the rear bench seats but the rear center console is missing. Any thoughts on that? Thanks Jeff

2013 added lane assist to the 302a along with auto high beams (don't really use that one too much)

Hi all,

Thank you very much for your replies!

I have stumbled across a 2013 Limited with the 302A Package with 10k less miles and it's only 1k more in cost... however it will need tires.

Does this seem like a better option? Also it has the rear bench seats but the rear center console is missing. Any thoughts on that?

Jeff, did you mean 'bench' or rear bucket seats. A center console only is available with the buckets. Consoles can also be ordered and DIY installed. There are threads on that with pictures.


Jeff, did you mean 'bench' or rear bucket seats. A center console only is available with the buckets. Consoles can also be ordered and DIY installed. There are threads on that with pictures.


Hi Peter yes sorry, I meant bucket seats! Was the console an additional option with the bucket seats?

I found OEM ones on ebay new for around $300. Seems pretty steep for a rear console!


Hi Peter yes sorry, I meant bucket seats! Was the console an additional option with the bucket seats?

I found OEM ones on ebay new for around $300. Seems pretty steep for a rear console!

Consoles are an option with the bucket seats. They have only become an aftermarket order item in the past few years. Not sure what the going price for them is but you can always contact Benny at Levittown Ford Super Center for a quote. You can use this link; http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=196402
They are a forum vendor and help support us.
You may also want to check out; http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=398873&highlight=2nd+row+console


I'd take the 2013 any day. You'd want to replace the stock Hankooks anyway.

Thank you everyone for your replies!

I think I'm going to go check out the '13 here in the next few days and try to swindle a deal with the dealer to keep it in my budget and maybe help me on a deal with replacing the tires as well.

One final question, is there any way to enter a vin and get an original window sticker to see exactly what it has?


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Thank you everyone for your replies!

I think I'm going to go check out the '13 here in the next few days and try to swindle a deal with the dealer to keep it in my budget and maybe help me on a deal with replacing the tires as well.

One final question, is there any way to enter a vin and get an original window sticker to see exactly what it has?

It has become increasingly difficult for many to pull up the Window Sticker any more. Not sure why. Use this link and it will tell you everything you want to know;

