Looking for a AM/FM cassette single CD radio. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for a AM/FM cassette single CD radio.


Elite Explorer
December 31, 2013
Reaction score
In my garage working on one of our vehicles.
City, State
Horsepasture, Virginia.
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Ranger 4x4, 99 Sport.
I am looking for a stock AM/FM, Cassette, single CD radio for my wife's 99 Explorer Sport that has the aux CD player in the console. We want to stay with a stock radio so we can keep the operation of the aux CD player. Our local JY's want at least $80.00 for a factory radio.

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I don't have the single cd, but I do have one with the 6 disc changer in the dash

Would that one fit a 99 Explorer dash?. Any pics of the stereo, & how much do you want for it?.

Yes, will fit in a '99. Came out of a same era Escape. Was in my wife's '99 Sport , and has been sitting on a shelf for 15 years now. It's pretty much brand new.

I have a single CD factory 2000 head unit I can let go for $50 + shipping if youre still looking. Let me know.
