Wanted - Looking for a GEM 96-early 97 Explorer... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Looking for a GEM 96-early 97 Explorer...

Parts or services wanted


Explorer Addict
June 24, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
McHenry, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Eddie Bauer AWD V8
Hey Guys I'm currently looking for a Generic Electronic Module for my '96 Eddie Bauer. Mine has had issues for many years, and had now starting causing a very large .500amp draw. So if you have one let me know, I already searched Ebay, and they want WAY too much for one.

Part number I need: F67B-14B205-BA, it also has a LARGE B after the part number, if that matters at all.

Thanks in advance.

I am planning on a junkyard trip possibly Monday. I can't guarantee on a cheaper price delivered compared to eBay though. I have no idea on what the junkyard would charge for that. PM me if interested...
