Looking for Carbon Fiber interior pieces 1st Gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for Carbon Fiber interior pieces 1st Gen


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
Looking for or looking to have made the following pieces in Carbon Fiber - anyone know of anyone who can do this or anyone that might sell pieces like this

1994 Explorer

Dash Trip Piece
Air Vents
Center Console
Speedo Carbon Fiber Trim


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i'll get back to you on this..I while back i actually did some carbonfiber trim pieces for a client.. i'll try to see if i can find the material to do it again and i'll give u an estimate

Jim, you may have to try Phoenix Imaging for that kind of effect. They do great work, it's a dip part, then clear paint process. They can do almost any parts, but the price is high. It used to be $0.56 per square inch, I had my 98 arm rests, radio bezel, and console pieces done, for over $300. Good luck,

fiberwerx will manufacture you real carbon fiber pieces. a little pricey, but it won't peel off in a few years....

sorry i didn't get back to you..i tried to look for the site that i had bought my things from but seems it doesn't exist anymore.
I'll keep on searching b/c i to want/need to make some c/f parts for my truck
