looking for gearing replacement info | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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looking for gearing replacement info


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February 6, 2010
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Nor Cal Mendo
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I just bought a donor 92x for the manual tranny and front end. it has 3.27 gears, mine has 3.55 gears and welded front diff. i was hoping to find 3.73 gears.
with that said, the welded gears i think are too much for the front end to handle i want to use the carrier from the 3.27 would i need to re-shim and diff setup if i took the carrier and put it in mine with my ring gear?

second i have not found any thread on re-gearing whats up. there needs to be a gearing sticky.

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any help out there? i want to use the carrier and put a lunch box in and get rid of the welded diff. i will offer it in trade just kidding

if i used the third member out of my existing x and put it into the new housing i wont have a problem will i? i think i will have to do the carrier swap at a later point.

If you mean take the third member out and swap it into a different truck it will be fine. Wont have to set up any gears as long as you dont swap anything inside the thirds.
