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Looking for Moab 2000 Photo


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 13, 1999
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Tampa, FL
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Chief GPS'um and Still Lost Native Texan
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 EB 4x4 "Herc" RIP
I tried to find it on our site but couldn't....

During our Moab 2000 run, Rob "Gofast" Robertson ripped a one-inch gash into his BFG sidewall on the Steelbender trail. As I recall the event, it was Rick that pulled out a Safety Seal plug kit to attempt a fix. We inserted several Safety Seal plugs into Rob's sidewall, aired the tire up on the trail, and he successfully finished the rest of the trail with that tire on his rig.

In a suggestion I made concerning the quality of Safety Seal plug kits, I recounted this story on another site and it is understandably not being believed. I clearly recall a photo of the fix showing Rob's sidewall with all of those plugs sticking out of it and cannot find it.

Does anyone still have that photo / or a link to it?

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Is that the pic with the duct tape on the side too?


Or.. are you looking for this one?


Taken from http://www.explorer4x4.com/moab.html


I saw references to duct tape put over it.. but the refrences say that the pic was gone.. They also say the tape was a joke done by someone else after the plug repair...


That photo will work fine. I had tried to find one of the photos of Rob's sidewall - but like Colin wrote, all of those old photo links are bad now.

