Looking for pictures of 2wd Sports Trac with 3" boby lift only. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for pictures of 2wd Sports Trac with 3" boby lift only.


New Member
May 14, 2015
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City, State
Headland Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 F-150
New to the forum, I have an opportunity to purchase a 2001 2wd Sports Trac for my soon to be 16 year old at a great price. I told him if he wanted it I would put a 3" body lift and new tires and rims. So what I'm really looking for in this thread would be pictures that I can show him of how a 2wd Sports Trac would look lifted and with mud tires. So if you don't mind posting only pictures of 2wd lift Sports Trac I would really appreciate it.
Thanks again and love the site,

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I guess me first question should have been is there a height difference between the 4wd and the 2wd. I was just wonder if anyone had a 2wd just with a 3" body kit and the largest tires you can put under it.

Thanks for the great information.
