LOOKING TO CONTACT 410Fortune | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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September 10, 2012
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I see that 410Fortune lives or lived in colorado and has an amazing bronco ii, id like to get ahold of him but looking at his most recent post it was in 2011 i believe, i want to do some work to my bronco ii and id like to maybe talk to hime and see if i could look at his in person, anybody know where he is or have a way to contact him?

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Rumor has it that he located the Lost Dutchman Mine. But as fate would have it, when driving out with all the gold, the weight of it collapsed the evil drop bracket on the TTB. His last cell phone call was something about, "had I only gone solid axle".
I do believe he's staying in the mine with the B2 and all the gold. So if you ever hear of the mine being called the Lost Dutchman/Jamie Mine, you'll know why.

He has forsaken us all.


I did find a way to get ahold of him and its amazing what he knows, btw the bronco is undergoing sas and full cage currently, hes a master mind

I did find a way to get ahold of him and its amazing what he knows, btw the bronco is undergoing sas and full cage currently, hes a master mind

Did he happen to mention why he's not posted? And if he's going to post in the future? But ya I'm glad to hear he's still alive and more glad he's going sas ha ha.
I bet he's been following this b2 forum on some other computer. Right Jamie.

He did tell me though right before he fell off the face of the earth when he was the Mod of this fourm, that there was this real a$$hole who used to pm him everyday and bug the **** out of him. He's banned now BTW. And of all things, about my rig. His jerk friend who still lurks everyday and bad mouths it on other sites. Don't believe me, just ask him.
Might just ban him also for malicious lurking. He's a real piece of Batshit. Not implying (bats) who is a fine member of this site. And thanks to the guys on this site that informs me about it which i don't even bother to post on those sites.

Pm me if you don't want to post about it. But real glad to hear he's working on that great B2.

