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Loss of power while driving


New Member
June 28, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Ft Lauderdale, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT 4x4
Any help is appreciated:

Today while driving, going about 50mph, my explorer seemed to lose power temporarily and the voltage meter and RPM's both dropped. This happened a few times when I was driving today, and only seemed to happen when my explorer is in overdrive or drive. It is only a very temporary thing (1-2 seconds) and then goes back to normal. Also, my check enging light has started to go on and off randomly. I dont know much about cars so any help as to what is causing this, and what I can do to fix it will be appreciated. Recently I changed my oil and airfilter (dont know if this matters). Thanks

92 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4

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Possibly your mass airflow sensor is bad.

I would start with the EEC-IV self-tests. There should at least be a code in continuous memory from the occasional lighting of the CEL.

Is there a way that I can check the EEC-IV self-tests? Or do I have to bring is somewhere? Once again, I dont know that much about cars. Also, is there any reason why this started to happen, or was it just that time? Thanks for all your help.

An easy to read description of the KOEO test anyway can be found at www.fordfuelinjection.com under getting codes. Only requires a jumper wire or paper clip.
As for why it just started, who knows? I suspect you've got a connector that just came loose or other short in wiring somewhere. Get the codes and you'll find out where to start looking.
