Lowering my 00' Mounty. A few questions... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lowering my 00' Mounty. A few questions...


Well-Known Member
April 6, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Cape Coral, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
99' Explorer XLS
Alright guys, I decided to go the sport truck route with a 2" drop all around. I am considering the following to accomplish this:

Front drop:
2" of torsion twist
Rear Drop: 2" by adding a 2" lowering block to the rear
Aligment: Full aligment to correct camber (unless toe has to be set again).
Wheels: Basset Racing "Inertia" 15x8 +0mm
Tires: BFG Radial T/A 275/60/15 rear, 235/70/15 front (or 275 all around if I can get clearance)

Can somebody please let me know if this setup will work well and if there is anything else I have to know? More truck info: 106,000 original miles, new Monroe Sensa-Trac struts all around, new torque dampener, new front lower ball joints, and new front swaybar bushings (body and link).

Thanks, all!

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Looks good to me, just make sure you have camber adjusters already installed to ease the process.. The arms don't have camber adjuster thus you need to add camber eccentrics adjusters.

Looks good to me, just make sure you have camber adjusters already installed to ease the process.. The arms don't have camber adjuster thus you need to add camber eccentrics adjusters.

the factory arm bolts appear to be adjustable, however they do not move far enough. Look for at least 2.5 degree adjustment shims.

Looks good to me, just make sure you have camber adjusters already installed to ease the process.. The arms don't have camber adjuster thus you need to add camber eccentrics adjusters.

the factory arm bolts appear to be adjustable, however they do not move far enough. Look for at least 2.5 degree adjustment shims.

Thanks for the suggestions on camber goodies. I will perform a search to find the best ones available. Any suggestions?

275's can fit in the front if the wheel is the right size. Are you 2wd or AWD if your AWD you'll have to run the 275's in the front too, or your transfer case won't last long. Can I ask why the nascar wheels? A set of 17's or 18's would help a lot with the looks dept.

275's can fit in the front if the wheel is the right size. Are you 2wd or AWD if your AWD you'll have to run the 275's in the front too, or your transfer case won't last long. Can I ask why the nascar wheels? A set of 17's or 18's would help a lot with the looks dept.

The wheels are 15x8 but the offset is my worry. They are 0mm and not sure if the outer tire might rub my front bumper at full lock (our Explorers have a ridiculous turning circle). The Inertia 15" wheels were mainly to transfer over my current BFG Long Trails (for now since they are practically new) until they wear out and then get new tires. Plus I like the fact that I wont compromise ride comfort and still keep a muscle/sporty look. I think it will look okay just need to get me some Ingalls camber kits for the front.

the factory arm bolts appear to be adjustable, however they do not move far enough. Look for at least 2.5 degree adjustment shims.

Thanks for the good recommendation. I ended up going with the Ingalls front camber kit which allows up to +3/-3 degrees and it worked out perfect. I just need the front to go lower but the adjuster bolt is almost falling out on the passenger side :/
