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Lowering my 93 X


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August 6, 2003
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Yakima, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
93' XLT
Where can I get lowering blocks for my 93 X, and how much can I plan to pay after EVERYTHING is said and done with?

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I read somewhere that it is not advisable to lower the 1st gen Explorers. Even a little drop will ruin the ride quality so bad it isn't even worth doing. As matter of fact, I have never seen a lowered 1st gen here. I've seen one on a magazine once. Looks pretty sweet with everything smooth out. It was done by one of the manufacturer, so you know a lot of $$$ went into it.

You never know though, somebody here might have more info for you. Good Luck!

You didn't mention if your truck was a 4WD or 2WD.

4WD - you can lower it about 2 inches but that's it. And you can forget about your ride quality. I don't recommend this.

2WD - not very hard to lower. You can get 3 inch drop ibeams, and 3 inch blocks in the back. You can get blocks at any auto parts store.

So, a lowered 2WD rides okay (comparable to a lowered 2nd gen)? Do you know any members here who has one lowered 1st gen, Hartman?

I remember a few in the past but I can't remember any names. 1st gen 2WDs have ibeams in the front rather than a TTB, so you won't lose any more ride quality than you would with a 2nd gen.

Yea i had mine droped 5/5 with a 2.5 in frame noch and it rode great. So many people told me it was the best low rider taht the had ever rode in with drop shocks in just the back. I have a 3 in drop beams fora 91-94 for sale rite now if you want them. I was very pleased but am going on to a body drop. Trust me drop it you will be happy!

i just lowered mine 3 inches and it rides good even tho i still don't have my drop shocks yet. After i get them it should ride great. jason when r u bodydropping and how mcuh do u want for the ibeams??

How were you able to drop it, and how much did it cost?

i lowered mine 3" and got it alligned the other day. i got my parts discounted becuz i found them used which is very hard to do. i got my ibeams and some shocks that don't seem to work for my year for 300. the regular price of drop beams is $420 i think on chassis tech. truckingstore.com or something like that i think is the website.

it cost me 300 but i got my parts used which is hard find. the drop beams r like 420 from chassis tech new. it rides good.

That site doesn't come up, are u sure that is the address?

sup... first off 1st gens do ride rough when lowered as will just about all other vehicles... You want a smooth lowered ride better get it on air... I have a lowered 1st gen and a 4x4 1st gen... check em out if you have questions holla... Later, RJ68

To my '91 lowered X on air

I have a 91 XLT 4x4. YOu think it is worth the trouble of dropping it 2" when its a 4x4...in the long run it sorta defeats the purpose. Is there anyway to get the 4x4 system torn out and would that be reasonable to do or shouled I just leave it? I would throw in a picture of it but I dont do the whole html'ing stuff to well.

my opinion is that it is a 4 wheel drive I would lift it... But each person has there own ideas and that is what makes them all different.. As for lowering a 4x4 not sure what the point would be but if your wanting to look a bit lower then 2" will help a bit.. If you want to go lower then I would see about a 2wd X. First gens are not as cheap or easy to lower as say a second gen. If 2" of drop is all your looking for then go for it. I would say lift it about 4-6 inches since it is a 4x4. Just my 2 cents.... Later. RJ68

where can i get the things i need to lower my gen 1 4x4? all i want is a 2 inch drop.

Well to lower it 2" I would do some seaching for some 2" drop springs... There not as easy to find from what I have been told... Then again they might be easy. contact a few spring companys and ask them... As for the rear... 2" blocks or maybe just a 1" block would set it level, since the rear seems to sag the way it does on the 1st gens.... Good luck on the front springs and let me know what u find out... Later, RJ68

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
I read somewhere that it is not advisable to lower the 1st gen Explorers. Even a little drop will ruin the ride quality so bad it isn't even worth doing. As matter of fact, I have never seen a lowered 1st gen here. I've seen one on a magazine once. Looks pretty sweet with everything smooth out. It was done by one of the manufacturer, so you know a lot of $$$ went into it.

You never know though, somebody here might have more info for you. Good Luck!
This is not true i hade mine static droped for 2 years and i got many complements on how it rode stock. I did do a bolt in frame noch cause it bottemed out alot in the back without but after it was noched it rode great the suspen travle in the front is not changed if ya have a 2wd and use i beams but the springs do reduce it alil bit but still not terriable. i had the 3/4 drop with i beams and leaf springs then i went liwer to a 55 drop with blocks and the beltech springs and i loved it it was a great ride for a 5 in drop. look on my http://jasonf.20megsfree.com/ site for the static drop pics

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is your explorer a 2wd or a 4wd?
