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how am i being unthoughtful bro i’m just looking for different answers because every thread i read is the fact same thing this is the first ever forum i’ve been in i didn’t know i was creating a bunch of different ones, since i’ve learned that i haven’t made new ones i’ve gone off what i’ve had, my bad people make mistakes bro. glad to know this forums ran by a bunch of dicks who attack a kid trying to modify his car looking for answers. very welcoming
The answers are the same because they are what they are.

How do you drop an Explorer 5 inches? Expensively.

What air bag kit fits to drop these a ton? None. They’re going to be custom.

What’s your budget?

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The answers are the same because they are what they are.

How do you drop an Explorer 5 inches? Expensively.

What air bag kit fits to drop these a ton? None. They’re going to be custom.

What’s your budget?
i have enough to bag it it’s finding a kit lol that’s all i want

Seems to me you were given a ton of information. What you do with it is up to you.
i was given a good amount of information now. i’m only trying to be a ****** yk im just looking for answers on a car i don’t have much knowledge on lol. my b i asked 5 questions. i’m not saying everyone in here is dicks i’m just saying i’m asking questions and getting these dickheads responses cause i’ve never used this forum. To all that did answer me like an actual person thank you sorry if making extra threads annoyed you but i didn’t know how to do it lol.

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, as well as being kind of a dick.

There is no real aftermarket support for these.

That means no kit.

Wanna be really dropped? Make your own setup. That’s really the option. Want to buy an off the shelf kit? Buy a different car.

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, as well as being kind of a dick.

There is no real aftermarket support for these.

That means no kit.

Wanna be really dropped? Make your own setup. That’s really the option. Want to buy an off the shelf kit? Buy a different car.
But how come i just found this online. Am i reading it wrong? Am i just not able to read right or is that not for a second gen explorer?? Or is this kit just only available for dicks?

But how come i just found this online. Am i reading it wrong? Am i just not able to read right or is that not for a second gen explorer?? Or is this kit just only available for dicks?
View attachment 441607
5" drop? I doubt it, unless you go to 25" tires

But how come i just found this online. Am i reading it wrong? Am i just not able to read right or is that not for a second gen explorer?? Or is this kit just only available for dicks?
View attachment 441607
What’s the drop on that chief? How’s it drop the front remotely 5” when you don’t have a strut front suspension?

Order this bolt on 12 inch drop yet?

It’s why I’m here.
