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LS Swap in a second gen Explorer

Here too, but All My Exes is in Georgia!
not texas? :( or are they from georgia but live in texas? sorry ill stop 🤣

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The more I read about the Godzilla, the more I want to see what it takes to get one into a 2nd gen Ex. From a cost and aftermarket support standpoint, it'll take a couple decades to catch up to the LS though.

Still, for someone with serious fab skills and/or swap experience, one of the E-250 take-out setups these guys are offering would be enticing. $8200 for engine and ECU, then slap a $2800 Tremec TKX behind it and you've got yourself a heck of a swap.

How much does a decent LQ4/LQ9 go for these days?
It is a tall motor. The comparison dimensions to a coyote 5.0 looks to be about the same width and length, just a lot taller. Maybe someone will come up with a low profile intake. I think a wide ratio T56 behind it would be perfect. I like to row through the gears.

Sweet home Georgia doesn't have the same ring to it.
same with all my exes live in georgia LOL. same syllable count though

The 7.3 would require serious modifications that you woundn't want to make, to the firewall, AC box, and radiator support( to move it forward).
Oh but I do want to...too bad I need a bigger garage and more equipment first!

And thus we return to why the LS is such a popular swap candidate (I'll keep my non-LS swap ideas to other threads from here on!).

On the topic of the LS, @4pointslow have you done much digging into what oil pan you'll need to clear the front subframe? I know the 5.3 came in the Colorado which intuitively seems similar size and layout to a 2nd gen Ex, but I'm not sure how close a Colorado's oil pan (and cooling/accessory drive systems for that matter) comes to making this more of a bolt-in sawp.

Oh but I do want to...too bad I need a bigger garage and more equipment first!

And thus we return to why the LS is such a popular swap candidate (I'll keep my non-LS swap ideas to other threads from here on!).

On the topic of the LS, @4pointslow have you done much digging into what oil pan you'll need to clear the front subframe? I know the 5.3 came in the Colorado which intuitively seems similar size and layout to a 2nd gen Ex, but I'm not sure how close a Colorado's oil pan (and cooling/accessory drive systems for that matter) comes to making this more of a bolt-in sawp.
Since I don't have an engine out of any of my second gen Explorer's yet, I can only go on what I saw with the thread on this forum that I posted about earlier, and the stuff I see on the Ranger LS Swap facebook pages and A21Bravo youtube channel where he swapped an LS in his Ranger and had 2wd, then 4wd, and is now going back to 2wd. LOL.
It looks like the truck LS engines oil pans will fit with a 4WD setup.
I would love to start pulling an engine right now to start test fitting but I have to hold off for a little bit longer as I have 5 vehicles and no room to move anything around at the moment. That and I am about 4 weeks away from becoming completely debt free and wont spend any more money until I reach my goal. I have some things to decide after that like what vehicle to get rid off and what vehicle to pull an engine out of.
I am really excited to start working on this though, I have been waiting Un patiently for some time now. LOL

Here too, but All My Exes is in Georgia!
You can find rust free stuff anywhere if you look long enough. I got my Mounty in Buffalo and it was unbelievably clean.

You can find rust free stuff anywhere if you look long enough. I got my Mounty in Buffalo and it was unbelievably clean.
I grew up there
I know where you bought it right there on the Ontario and Niagara st
He buy cars from the south and hauls north and sells them makes a good living

I grew up there
I know where you bought it right there on the Ontario and Niagara st
He buy cars from the south and hauls north and sells them makes a good living
That’s absolutely correct. It was so clean I sent money without seeing it in person.

He buy cars from the south and hauls north and sells them makes a good living
Sounds like how I got my Ex too!

Bought from a guy who works a farm in Michigan in the summer, then spends winter in Texas. Said he brings up a truck or two from Texas and sells them in Michigan every season.

I need to find a 1995 two door from a person who does that.

I see a lot of great rollers in OH, but being stuck with a 95 makes it a lot more difficult.

I believe there was a factory option, but I thought it didn’t make t to the second gens.

I believe there was a factory option, but I thought it didn’t make t to the second gens.
I had never seen that on a second gen, even in the junkyard ones, wont say its impossible though I guess

4 door?
I only want a 2 door 1995 or I will just do the swap to my 98 2 door that I already have.
Ahhh. That’s gonna be even tougher. There seems to be a ton on 96s for sale near me, and the closest 95 is 200 miles, and there’s only one.

I only want a 2 door 1995 or I will just do the swap to my 98 2 door that I already have.
They do show up if you're patient enough (I wasn't though).

It should help that you want 4x4, I was looking specifically for RWD and it seemed like 80% of the manual two-doors I was seeing were 4x4.

Are you willing to have one shipped to you? I recall seeing most older 4x4 two-doors showed up out west in Colorado/Idaho/Washington when I was checking Craigslist across the country.

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@Fix4Dirt @joney Forgive me OP for going OT a minute. I reside and work in the flat farmland of the upper Tennessee Valley 3 to 4 miles south of the State of Tennessee sometimes referred to as God's country and I'm north of now the largest metropoltitan area in the state, Huntsville Alabama which is one of the 4 or 5 areas in the nation that is responsible for the creation of the Federal governments space program, NASA. This all use to be cotton country with massive amounts of acreage, in cultivation and cotton gins and textile plants. When NASA opened their first office here in 1958, everything changed. Now people are moving here from California, Georgia, Ontario, etc. and the fields are all getting turned into sub-divisions and the little towns modifying into Ex-burbs. Rusty vehicles are being driven here and they are ending up in the junkyards too along with the good solid ones. The people of Atlanta mostly and some but not all Californians are bringing their driving skills with them too. 95% of the people from Atlanta still drive like they are in Atlanta and use no built in turn signal but quick to signal with their middle finger. I avoid Atlanta at all cost. Their is nothing there for me.
Everyone get ready for the August 29th launch of the (Mega moon rocket) first large rocket trip to the moon since the early 1970's. The biggest part of the SLS was built just 25 miles from here. Now that's a 'hotrod'.
Mega Moon Rocket
Again, my apologies to the OP for going OT.
