M50dr1 4x4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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M50dr1 4x4


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer xlt base
In need of M50dr1 4x4 transmission want it for swap let me know where you're at I'm willing to travel

A bunch listed on car-part.com is this for the AWD Aerostar?

A bunch listed on car-part.com is this for the AWD Aerostar?
I'm glad you replied, I have a couple questions about interchangeablity. First thing I know i have to get a m5od r1 out of a Explorer or a ranger with the 4.0 cause the 3.0 and 2.3Ls have the wrong bellhousing. Will a starter clutch flywheel exc work on the van as well. Keep me posted.
Thanks Flash

Yes, it needs to be a 4.0 transmission. 2001 and newer will be the M5OD-R1HD. The starter needs to be from a manual transmission. It could be from a ranger, explorer or a 2005-10 mustang. If I remember, the van is a 93 so make sure to get a 6 bolt flywheel. The slave cylinder I used was from a 2005 mustang. You'll need to use a similar one cause it has a quick disconnect fitting that allows you to use hydraulic hose for the clutch line. I've done this transmission swap several times, it is actually extremely easy once you figure out the little details.
