Mach 1 Nearly got run over by an H2 today!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mach 1 Nearly got run over by an H2 today!!


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Dang that thing is tall!! :eek:



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Holy crap.

Does it ever see dirt? (No, not the Mach 1, the H2!! :p )

Please tell me those are at least Dana 60's :)

What are those... 12" rims? :eek:

Dear Lord that's a lot of Hummer.... Where could you possibly wheel that at and not take out dozens of tree branches? Tsk tsk, probably is all show and no go. Did he see you nudging the Mach under it, Rick?

( know this has been posted before, but I can't help it!) H2's are only good for one thing! EXPLORER MUNCHIES! :D :D :D


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Very nice work. I am shipping my explorer to them now :)

Ooops, wasn't fast enough... Just read the link on the install. They did a helluva job on it, I'll credit them that much. It doesn't seem to have much flex though, well at least not as much as some of the tube buggies I've seen. Then again, I'm no expert ;)

Just out of morbid curiosity, roughly how much did it cost to do that conversion? I looked at the shots on the website (Dead Link Removed) and they definitely put a heckuva lot of good work into it!!

Hope they relocate the rear shock reserviors:p

X~FACTOR said:
What are those... 12" rims? :eek:

17s :D The tires are 49s!!

Spas said:
Ooops, wasn't fast enough... Just read the link on the install. They did a helluva job on it, I'll credit them that much. It doesn't seem to have much flex though, well at least not as much as some of the tube buggies I've seen. Then again, I'm no expert ;)

It's not finished yet. In fact it had to be pushed outside since there are no gears in the axles yet :D It will flex a LOT more, but the tires are contacting the frame rails when they twist it up. They need to add wheel spacers to get the clearance they need to allow full flex.

It will flex more like this one when it's done.


all i gotta say is just wow...

Well, that's one way to fix the weak tie rod problem..

tdavis said:
Well, that's one way to fix the weak tie rod problem..



Turn and burn, show'm the tail lights!


  • ass.jpg
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SVO said:
Turn and burn, show'm the tail lights!

Only problem with that pix is people usually only see that view in a cloud of tire smoke :D :burnout:

JDraper said:
Does it ever see dirt? (No, not the Mach 1, the H2!! :p )

The Mach1 probably gets dirtier :rolleyes:

That *thing* is very nice! Quite a bit of work went into that. But I like the Mach better!

BTW- 3k posts woo hooooo!

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that H2 doesn't look bad, but you will probably hardly ever see many of those runnin' around,

i don't think to much about the Durango though,

love the stang
