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Mad Max - Fury Road


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
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'93 XL '20 ST
Great action, definitely worthy of the Mad Max name. Too bad the guy they chose to play Max is very forgettable. I think they could have done better.

I'm embarrassed to say that my 75 year old parents managed to see it in the theatre before Char and I did. LOL

My mom's words... Great action, great machines, 12 words of dialogue.

I don't think they saw the original, so the 12 words of dialogue was new to them :D

I don't want to give it away to anyone who hasn't seen it, but what they were hauling in that tanker, and the way they got it... That was just too much!!

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It's too bad Mel Gibson didn't reprise the role, just for fun.

It's really sad that actors get their start in films that put them on the map, and even make them the stars they are today, then have nothing to do with the franchise. I know he did The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome, but that was 20 years ago.

Even Harrison Ford is reprising his roles as Indy and Han Solo, and he's arguably a bigger star than Mel Gibson. Heck, Mel could have directed and acted in it if he wanted.

I just found out that one of the lead characters in the new movie was played by the guy who played "The Toecutter" in the original.:thumbsup:

I've heard good things about the new Mad Max, also that San Andres is very good as well.

I've tried to get back into the "go to the theater" thing, but I'm pretty much settled to waiting for them to come out either BR or HD Streaming and watch them on my home theater :-)

I only go to the theatres for the spectacular stuff in 3D :D

I hadn't' been to a theatre in about 2 years prior, but I would really like to get back there to see San Andres. I don't recall if it was in 3d or IMAX at this theatre, but either one would be cool.:thumbsup:

Both we're decent :thumbsup: I feel like there are a lot better selection of movies this summer :thumbsup:

It was way better than I expected. Much better than those Furious movies that they won't stop making.

Even Harrison Ford is reprising his roles as Indy and Han Solo, and he's arguably a bigger star than Mel Gibson. Heck, Mel could have directed and acted in it if he wanted.

Crystal Skull = complete bomb. Almost as bad as "Episode 1" of that franchise.

Jury is out on the return of Han Solo, but I have no doubt it'll be a comedy.

"Hey boy....why don't you use that hokey religion and get me some prune juice"

Crystal Skull = complete bomb. Almost as bad as "Episode 1" of that franchise.

Jury is out on the return of Han Solo, but I have no doubt it'll be a comedy.

Crystal Skull wasn't as good as the first three, but they were really just doing it to fufill the contract for five films and maybe put the guy back in action before he gets any older. My main point was comparing Harrison Ford's wilingness to act and reprise roles compared to Mel Gibson's not doing so.

Fury Road would probably have done even better with Mel in it, even if he only played the same exact scenes as the fill-in.


You're referring to the original Indy???

I think he means "Episode 1" a la Jar Jar Binks.

I don't think it's *that* bad.

Some of the...uh..."acting" in Episode III was WAY worse. Hard to watch.

They could have even put Mel in a cameo role. Which role did the toecutter play in Fury Road. Was it the" father"????

