Maintaining you Explorer has never been easier | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Maintaining you Explorer has never been easier

January 24, 2012
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Levittown, NY
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As we are updating our online catalog with all genuine Ford "tune-up" parts you will find that shopping for maintenance items has never been easier, Here's a few of the products we have added so far:

Replacement Cabin Air Filter

Engine Air Filter

Oil Filters

Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see available while we add to the section

If you have any application questions, Please let us know as that is what we are here for! :)

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Probably the filter for the heated/cooled seats would fit in this list

Why do we allow free advertising on this site? This can become a "slippery slope" and open the door for all product advertisements. This should be completely banned. If not, I'm sure that GM and Chrysler/Jeep dealers ,as well as, all other Ford dealers would like to bombard us with their pitch. Let's have some auto suppy and tire dealers jump on the bandwagon. How about Pizza Hut and Walmart?

Why do we allow free advertising on this site? This can become a "slippery slope" and open the door for all product advertisements. This should be completely banned. If not, I'm sure that GM and Chrysler/Jeep dealers ,as well as, all other Ford dealers would like to bombard us with their pitch. Let's have some auto suppy and tire dealers jump on the bandwagon. How about Pizza Hut and Walmart?

Pretty sure this is not free advertising.. I'm pretty sure they paid for a EF vendor account that allows them to post such advertisements.

Why do we allow free advertising on this site? This can become a "slippery slope" and open the door for all product advertisements. This should be completely banned. If not, I'm sure that GM and Chrysler/Jeep dealers ,as well as, all other Ford dealers would like to bombard us with their pitch. Let's have some auto suppy and tire dealers jump on the bandwagon. How about Pizza Hut and Walmart?

Yeah, that "EF Vendor" under their name shows that they support the forum so that you can benefit from it for free. I think it's great.

Is that the correct oil filter # for the Sport?

They put a Motorcraft #FL 500S on mine.

The 820S oil filter they show is likely shown for the standard Explorer not the Sport or the 2.0L EcoBoost.....In any case this is not a very good price......You can buy the same thing at WalMart for less, and this outfit appears to charge considerable shipping on top of it....You can do as well at your local Dealers or local Part Houses. best regards Plum

The 820S oil filter they show is likely shown for the standard Explorer not the Sport or the 2.0L EcoBoost.....In any case this is not a very good price......You can buy the same thing at WalMart for less, and this outfit appears to charge considerable shipping on top of it....You can do as well at your local Dealers or local Part Houses. best regards Plum

I'm buying like 10 of them. Including shipping, it comes out to almost 7 dollars a filter. Hey, it's good to get the OEM filter that has the thingie that stops the oil from flowing back for better oil supply during starts and stuff.

Is that the correct oil filter # for the Sport?

They put a Motorcraft #FL 500S on mine.

The image used does not represent the product, I can see how this may be confusing so we will change the filter images to ones without any part numbers. The Part number used on yours was correct which is equivalent to the OEM number AA5Z-6714-A


Thanks Benny....I was just concerned they installed the wrong one on my Sport.

After reading the oil filter comparison chart posted here in another thread OEM is the only way to go.

Also I don't think their prices are unreasonable at all, $4.95 for a OEM filter is on the lower end of the scale. I checked my invoice and my dealer charged me $7.50.
