Manual Tranny Slave Cylinder | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Manual Tranny Slave Cylinder


New Member
March 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Irwin, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Sport
I have a 1993 Exlplorer Sport that two years ago, had its slave cylynder replaced because it was leaking.
Recently, I noticed that 1st gear is a little tough to get into from neutral and sometimes difficult to get out into neutral. This is while stopped ... moving, I haven't noticed any
issues. The clutch fluid is fine and I've not noticed any leaks.
Is this the early warning signs of another slave cylynder going again? Throwout bearing??? Any insight would be appreciated.


Hey Chuck, welcome to the board. I hope we can be of some assistance to you! I'm in the same boat with you about the slave cylinder. I did mine back in september and it is already giving me fits.

If i were you i'd try a couple of things first:
1--make sure your full of fluid, up to the line in the little resevior thing.

2--i would bleed it after you have filled her up. I bled mine a month ago and it helped a bunch!

These maynot solve your problem, but it should help. If it were your throwout bearing you would be able to hear that baby rattle when your truck it idling. So there ya go, hope this helped!

Happy trails!!

The first thing I would try is bleeding the clutch cylinder. Get all of that old dirty fluid out. This can be done very eadily with a person below, and a person to pump the pedal. Lots of info in the achives.

I had the same problems that you have, and this cured them. I have the original slave and master cyclinder and have 220,000 Kms on the truck.
